More on Jay's home run, the Oilersnation Open, and what's going on in the news

The off-season is in full swing and there’s no Oilers news to talk about, which meant there was plenty of room for shenanigans on the Monday episode of the Real Life Podcast.

Kicking off the Monday podcast, the boys got started with a little golf tourney promo that led to Liam telling a few stories from yesterday’s round of golf with Tyler, Jay, and Chalmers. As you’ll hear, Liam is not very good at the sport but the same cannot be said for those he was playing against. After showing up late to the podcast, Chalmers wanted to spend a little more time Jay’s home run from last Thursday and how it was an incredible afternoon. With that out of the way, the guys got into all kinds of nonsense that ranged from toilet talk, where Tyler went, public art, and why Liam and Kennedy were sitting in on the podcast. Lastly, the squad wrapped up the Monday episode of the Real Life podcast with a Puckdoku breakdown as today’s question featured an Oilers row, and we all know how much easier things get if our hometown squad is included.


One Reply to “More on Jay's home run, the Oilersnation Open, and what's going on in the news”

  1. Guys from health ccare….i think

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