PGA Expo 2012 – Full Swing – Swing Guru

Par2Pro visits Full Swing at the PGA Expo 2012 – the Swing Guru markerless motion capture is featured.

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5 Replies to “PGA Expo 2012 – Full Swing – Swing Guru”

  1. Elf Garnett says:

    Hey, don't worry. I follow a lot of your work on the Ottowa forums so know you are a busy boy. Keep up the good work šŸ™‚

  2. My bad – still in Vegas and thought you said it looks like a lot to connect LOL šŸ™‚

    Yup, you are right it is a the kinect camera and it does vastly lower the price of the motion capture.

  3. Elf Garnett says:

    I was referring to the technology behind the motion capture. An Xbox kinect camera.

  4. Not much to connect – camera and computer. They just have it setup with an addition TV for easier viewing.

  5. Elf Garnett says:

    It looks an awful lot like a kinect to me. Hope that is reflected in the price….

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