Playing Consistent Golf // My Top 5 Tips

Playing consistent golf is often less about your golf swing and more about the things you do that aren’t golf swing related.

0:00 Intro
1:21 Question Of The Day
2:03 #5 Consistent Setup
5:20 #4 Consistent Clubs
7:19 #3 Consistent Focus
8:23 #2 Fitness
10:29 #1 Mental Game & Expectations
12:54 Wrap Up

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About Me:
My Name Is Kennie, but my friends call me Kennie Kat. I’m a competitive golfer and my goal is to help average golfers improve by learning from my success and also some of my failures.

I do videos on how I practice and routines that I use to improve, round recaps of my tournaments, golf lessons with my instructor, and reviews on training aids that I use to improve my golf game.


41 Replies to “Playing Consistent Golf // My Top 5 Tips”

  1. Roger Poulin says:

    92/78 handicap 9.8

  2. Best 2022: 73 (twice)
    Worst2022: 92 (Southern Dunes)
    HC (Current): 5.8
    Best Round Ever: 71(Bogies on 17 &18)

  3. 1. 82
    2. 106
    3. 18hcp

  4. Big Bruh says:

    Best round 101. 128 worst. 😅

  5. Mark Elmore says:

    79/103 Handicap 16

  6. I personally figure if your recovery and short game are on point, it gets easier to play well, even when you're not hitting the ball well. If you can shape shots out of trees, and get yourself in a good position for a pitch shot in, you don't have to be perfect. Just what I've discovered.

  7. Fu says:

    83 best
    107 worst
    14.1 index

  8. Best Round: 68
    Worst Round: 85
    Handicap: +1.6

  9. Nick B says:


  10. Siena Ostick says:

    81, 97, 14.6 handicap

  11. Best round 73 and worst 93 im 3.2 handicap

  12. I think there is a stat which I believe and experience… scratch golfers average about 4 bogeys per round

  13. 2 thoughts… on the chipping mat, does it negatively impact your course game with your feet consistently below the ball height during indoor chipping practice , and 2. any thoughts of having a second person mark the outline (head to toe) of your ideal setup position on that mirror so you can consistently repeat it by staying inside the outline day to day ?

  14. Yet to play, coming out of the mud season in Maine. Practicing indoors, and on the course's chipping / putting green .

  15. Derek Organ says:

    HC: 23 low: 95 high:107

  16. MLx23_TCG says:

    My best round is 89 my worst is 93 my handicap is 23 I also haven't played many full rounds this year trying to build to a scratch golfer this year

  17. Casey Doonan says:

    86 101 don’t know my hadipcap

  18. 73 and a 93 off a 2.3

  19. Best – 88
    Worst- 103
    Handicap- 16

  20. Elan Brio says:

    Lowest Round is year 77 and highest 100! My handicap is a 12.9

  21. High round of 99. Low round of 72 (even).
    Finished the year last year at a Handicap of 5.3

  22. Teddy Vath says:

    2022 edition: best – 81, worst – 110, hc – 24

  23. Teddy Vath says:

    Over the past 12 months: best (ever) – 81, worst – 110, hc – 24

  24. ACFrank says:

    Whoops my handicap is 8.3

  25. ACFrank says:

    My lowest round was a 75 for 18; highest was a 90. The 90 was kind of a blur but my best recollection was I had about 45 putts.

  26. Ace Oswell says:

    best-84, worst-100.

  27. Best round: 88
    Worst round: 124
    Handicap: 23.9

  28. Leon Banks says:

    Bro…..what kinda pants are those?

  29. Mike Smith says:

    Worst Round: 116
    Best Round: 87
    Handicap: 24

  30. Guero Soze says:

    Just subscribed! arizona native as well🌵
    Worst round : 96
    Best : 84

  31. Best 53
    Worst 57
    Not sure my handicap

  32. Best round 90, about 120ish was my worst. Not sure my handicap, since I've only been playing 2 years and i really don't feel like I'm good enough to get one yet. Thanks for the content Kennie. Continued blessings

  33. Emory Dooyen says:

    Lowest round… 87
    Highest round… 96
    Handicap… 19

  34. Generally, I just play 9 holes. Best Round: 49, Worst Round: 67, Handicap: 36+?

  35. K M says:

    Best 82. Worst 95 (yesterday). Handicap 15

  36. Greg Garner says:

    This year, my best is 71 and my worst is 90 and my hcp is 3.5

  37. K2, I am also an AZ golfer would love to hit some with you sometime. I am a retired AF guy living in the west valley. According to Arccos I am a 2.8 handicap. My lowest round this year is a 74 but much more impressive day was at We-ko-pa where I played my best ever and shot a 75. My worst was an 89. I find that I am much more satisfied striking well and not scoring than not striking well and scrambling. My biggest deficit is EFFIN PUTTING. I am working on it but… The biggest hinderance to getting better is my work schedule and being 54 years old and things just get sore/stiff after 3 consecutive rounds (and sometimes just getting out of bed makes me stiff and sore LOL).

  38. HC: 9.4
    Low: 76
    High: 93
    Just started following you, great stuff.

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