Press Conference | 2023 OTB Open Presented by MVP Disc Sports

Hear from the top players in the game ahead of the 2023 OTB Open Presented by MVP Disc Sports 1:00 Sai Ananda 1:10 Simon …


30 Replies to “Press Conference | 2023 OTB Open Presented by MVP Disc Sports”

  1. jackfrost413 says:

    Since comments are turned off on the “live” video I’ll comment here. I would love to see new commentators for the DGN. The two guys doing this tournament (MPO) are not very charismatic to say the least. Sick and tired of the dumb jokes and the fake laughter. In my opinion, the ideal duo would be Nate Sexton and Nathan Queen. Hopefully when they retire from disc golf they can both do it full time.

  2. Back to watching only MPO.

  3. kk says:

    Long time fan of both Jomez and the FPO… DGPT please don't destroy these good things entirely.

    You have a choice just like Natalie did. Be a source of pride by focusing on your game and competing fairly… or try to force the masses into compliance and out of money by seizing every unfair advantage that you "legally" can.
    It doesnt feel weird at all to miss your usual disappointing broadcast, but ill be properly mad if i don't have to mentally wrestle over wether or not i should watch Jomez OTB coverage if it actually comes out as usual.
    Ive been watching disc golf every week for years (thanks entirely to jomez) but lately it feels like that era might be drawing to a close.

    I have no issues against Natalie for being a woman, and no issues against DGPT for being a sanctioning body. Just saying… you will alienate a majority of ypur fans as quickly as Natalie has if you choose not to respect or uphold fair competition like she has.

  4. Jacob Colon says:

    comments off on FPO and MPO, live chat disabled for FPO. this company is hurting the growth of the sport by not listening to its fanbase

  5. DGA yall should be Ashamed of yourselves for letting a man compete in The Fpo.

  6. MJ Serene says:

    Can someone help me out here? In watching some pre tournament FPO coverage they said Scoggins won in Santa Cruz last weekend. I went to tune into the FPO tour last weekend and couldn't find it on any of the disc golf channels; only the MPO. What gives? There was obviously a Master's Cup FPO at Santa Cruz if Scoggins won, did youtube or any of the channels refuse to cover it? What am i missing?

  7. Loved hearing from Jeff Spring. I appreciate how respectful and considerate he is in sharing the PDGAs stance on Natalie's involvement this weekend. Let's let the PDGA, Natalie, and the courts sort this out. I'm excited to watch some great disc golf.

  8. A Smith says:

    All these sciencephobes out here rooting for a man. Y'all are just scared of science!

  9. Admittedly a Bearheart fan, but I've appreciated his involvement in these pressers. He can be chummy while still asking meaningful questions.

  10. Neo Wick says:

    Mr Ryan can do whatever he wants to his body, that’s his right. But playing on tour is not a right, it’s a competition. It should be fair for everyone not just Ryan. The courts and tour are putting this person first in front of the other competitors. That’s wrong. Play with the men or mixed competition. No one is stopping him from competing.

  11. Pet Rock says:

    I'm not watching any tournaments where men are permitted to play in FPO (not watching MPO, either). I get it that the issue is with California law, but this only means that the PDGA should avoid tournaments in California and all states with similar laws. Players should do the same, both male and female.

  12. Muise….nothing but lies. Just stop….go design a course ….do something that you know what you are talking about. The issue isn't about love or inclusion but delusion and fairness.


  14. i hope some of the females and MPO players address the fact that having Ryan in the tournament is totally unacceptable

  15. doug friend says:

    Calvin is my fav pro, so chill yet intentional. That’s the way

  16. Nata lie is a human being and no one is saying the opposite. I'm sure all of this is difficult for him to deal with. He can play all he wants but Mixed pro division. Sorry dude. God created you a man you stay like that till you die no matter how much you want to change it. It's all an illusion.

  17. Way to inject yourself Leo. Hmm Idk why not, how but because actual women are saying no. What a CLOWN.

  18. jeff spring lying through his teeth and you can still see how upset this makes him. Feels absolutely fantastic to watch transphobes squirm 🙂

  19. Gooch says:

    Looking forward to the new DGPT event "chicks with dicks"

  20. zachocracy says:

    I love how after Jeff Spring makes a fair statement and asks to not distract from the event, Leonard Muise gets up there and promotes his unqualified opinion.

    Seems like a great event to just skip at this point.

  21. Lace The Ace says:

    PDGA… look at Bud Light. That will probably be you in the near future. You're not innocent. You sleep in the bed you made! Good thing paying members and non members who just play and watch… Aren't "ordered" to continue to do so. No matter your "new" stance on the issue..and presented in court… YOU ALLOWED IT TO HAPPEN IN THE FIRST PLACE! I just think the pdga board is now trying to cover their own butts. Saying they have no choice but to let Ryan play is not an excuse. Not now.. Not in the future either. I don't think the majority of us care what the CA court said. Good luck at playing innocent PDGA.

  22. haPPy inaugural PDGA women's week! PDGA marketing at it's finest again!

  23. Jack says:

    Fpo is not a performance qualifying division. It is a WOMENs protected division. Leonard .. should’ve kept your mouth shut bro. Ill advised comment.

  24. Dan Powell says:

    8:25 Sai Ananda

    22:27 Simon Lizotte

    29:38 Paige Pierce

    38:38 Calvin Heimburg

    48:20 Juliana Korver

    n/a Kat Mertsch

    1:08:45 Jessica Weese

    1:19:45 James Proctor

    1:29:50 Jeff Spring

    1:40:15 Sean Jack & Mercy

    1:49:31 Leonard Muise 0

  25. Ben Joselyn says:

    I'm glad that Natalie will be playing and I'm deeply saddened by how hateful so many people have been recently. This sport boasts inclusivity and yet people are being quite vile.

  26. Kieron McKay says:

    You can’t really have it both ways PDGA and Disc Golf Pro Tour…you can’t say trans rights are human rights while also excluding trans players and defending yourself from lawsuit from a trans person and appealing their court decision on you’re discriminatory exclusion, especially since you’ve created a safety concern and a hostile environment for Natalie Ryan as was stated in this interview…before the comments say “she can play in MPO!”…do you think that creates more or less of a safety concern for Natalie if she say cashes above one of your favorite players who maybe can’t handle being beaten by a trans woman or who’s fans can’t handle that? Do you think that improves her case if she doesn’t cash because now she can claim actual financial losses? Do you think if she’s booed off courses now that will stop later if she’s leaving an MPO event? Think before you respond comment section…and PGDA you’re all but certainly going to lose this case in CA fyi, so get used to disagreeing with court decisions.

  27. Dan Trutron says:

    Can't watch FPO this wknd, sadly. The women ought to boycott, they won't, it's understandable given the money and sponsors. Fans who support the women can elect not to show. Perhaps Pro Tour ought to cross off CA for next year.

  28. Jack Reagan says:

    Keep going after him for the polecats…. lord dude…. james shouldn't change his game, the dude is smacking the tour….

  29. Leonard Muise is a gem.

  30. Dyl - Dog says:

    Sick intro track. Way baked feelin that

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