Rated the BEST Burger in the COUNTRY

21 Replies to “Rated the BEST Burger in the COUNTRY”

  1. Looks good but you eat it upside down

  2. cap. stick to golf πŸ˜‚

  3. georgep2112 says:

    If it's too good, it likely has MSG in it.

    The naturally occurring flavor enhancing compounds work nearly as well. (Yeast extracts, Parmesan cheese, ground mushrooms).

  4. Wow! But a great burger has all the toppings.. i.e. lettuce tomatoes pickles etc

  5. Teddy says:

    Almost ate the wrapperπŸ˜‚

  6. WiseCracker says:

    So… a TRIPLE cheeseburger for this little warrior..? Now THAT is a gal who's a keeper. And you KNOW, once she's legal (help me, Lord…) she's washing that down with a cold brewski.

  7. Ken Willis says:

    You are the cutest little lady. Love ya. 😊

  8. Kevin Ralph says:

    Ten years time that'll go straight to your thighs.πŸ˜‚

  9. Mr Bones says:

    Gabby I love your energy you have I enjoy watching your videos all the time there very beneficial for me and your very beautiful and smart lady β™₯️β™₯️β™₯️ 😎

  10. Dhaval Patel says:

    Messi sucksss πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚

  11. U ate it upside down 😲

  12. Love your in the food game too! πŸŠβ›³οΈπŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

  13. Mongoose says:

    why did you eat it upside down

  14. CABLE 715 says:

    That bun looks really good, also who eats a burger upside down, Gabby does.

  15. You are so great, did you eat the whole thing? That's what I wanna know.

  16. Jduhon702 says:

    These kids need to get jobs. No one wants to know what a teen thinks about food

  17. Tarty Tart says:

    u didnt even bite the bottom bun lmfao

  18. Why don’t you guys stop being creepy in the comments. Y’all always low key creepy as hell

  19. You are adorable and that burger looks killer

  20. Best in the US? 🀨

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