Shannons golf strategy

19 Replies to “Shannons golf strategy”


  2. Lisa6577 says:

    Shannon makes a great point. Plus, the bright balls are easier to locate.

  3. he has nice balls…xD

  4. Morgan S says:

    Dude, next time I am dragged to the golf corse by my brother, I am gonna totally by brite balls just to piss the people off!!!

  5. Bright balls, i love it!

  6. Jami Kinyon says:

    What about hot pink or neon blue balls?

  7. BALLS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  8. Erin Akos says:

    The prince of Punk playin golf.

    That's brutal. X)

  9. I found running around and hitting eachother with golf clubs pisses people off as well :o)

  10. Haha amazing deffinetly doing that!!!

  11. Zoe Ford says:

    Hah Your so damn fucking funny shannon. <3 (:

  12. fhsrbl says:

    you should buy bright pink next time

  13. BellaRayne says:

    Lolz, I'll keep that in mind if I ever go golfing.

  14. PrisJ85 says:

    Haha, I use pink balls when I golf, and have the I-pod on, rocking out to some music while playing.

  15. NoMatch4Me says:

    love your strategy… plus loved seeing ya in your golf clothes hah

  16. wwe0ridder11 says:

    eather way i steal suck at golf so i will stay with motocorss lol

  17. That sounds right from the book of DILLIGAF

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