Should Fewer Athletes Qualify for the Games? – Death By: Episode 11

On this episode of Death By, Lauren Kalil discusses whether CrossFit should just eliminate cuts and have fewer athletes qualify …


10 Replies to “Should Fewer Athletes Qualify for the Games? – Death By: Episode 11”

  1. The sport needs content, and views. It doesn't get that way by making it smaller. More events and more participation is the way forward. The big sports have added more wild cards, play in games, mid season tournaments…because content is how you get the revenue, and revenue is how to you expand. Make the Games smaller? Idiotic

  2. The show keeps getting better and better episode by episode! Lauren and the guests are finding their groove! Keep'em coming!

  3. Ben Dawson says:

    Bring back minimum work requirements and if you don't hit the minimum requirements then you get 0 points

  4. Very interesting takes, but I agree with Justin. The Games should start with 40 athletes at the start and cut to 20 after Saturday night, as long as there is well-rounded programming. Then cut to the top 10 for Sunday afternoon. Further, I agree with Chase that the worldwide ranking system and how spots are allocated is a complete mess and needs a complete re-working by actual statisticians and math people and not this jumbled mess that was used this year. Finally, the lack of stories has been a major flaw of CrossFit and the games since the beginning. Until recently, no one outside of the favorite athletes, had any sort of stories leading up to the games or during the games. During heats, few athletes, outside of the favorites were covered, and very little research was done on the lesser known athletes. The 70th place woman’s golfer at the recent US open golf tournament made more money than the 12th place finisher will at the CrossFit games! Yet, the expenses, for the golfers is far less than what we require of Games athletes. The quandary is, how do you grow the sport, while reducing the opportunity for people to qualify?

  5. Love this show!!! ❤

  6. Mo Dingo says:

    Professional athletes 'generally' have funding for travel, meals, and lodging as well as an income source from that sport behind them vs being small business owners.
    If cuts were the direction, why did't they announce the cuts at the beginning of the season? Other sports 'generally' don't throw curveballs into the mix in the middle of the season.

  7. J B says:

    Yes on cuts or less athletes.
    I agree with Cotler would love to see The Alpaca and with Dex I would like to see The Killer Cage.

  8. Cuts make less interesting to athletes to invest in the sport. Should they spend a whole bunch of money train the whole year around to be cut at the first day of the games? Should they ignore their sponsors, fans and public that are brought to Crossfit to support them? I actually can't see any benefit from the cuts.

  9. sandorlax says:

    Im going to copy/paste a comment I left in one of the BFriendlyFitness videos a few weeks ago:
    Following the theme of heats and cuts, here is my suggestion: Change the number of athletes qualifying to the games to 30(W), 30(M) 20(T); this will avoid cuts, and everyone who makes it will compete the whole weekend and will make it excited. Regarding logistics: with 30 athletes, you can do 2 heats of 15 using a "landscape/wide" format for workouts like Linda (this will allow better coverage from the media point of view), and for the traditional layout (portrait/long) we can keep the traditional heats of 10 if you want… OR change the floor layout for 8 lanes! ( heats of 7/7/8/8 or which ever combo is preferred)… This will allow more space between athletes AND will remove the need for the staggering we often see due to safety concerns. I've been part of the volunteer's gear team in several events (including the games and semifinals) and this can be done and I think it will be super beneficial for the athletes and viewers' experience (plus I would not have to move so much equipment 😅…just kidding!).

  10. "How can we justify Crossfit being broke and unable to manage things?" 😂

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