The Internet Lawyers Discuss the Laws of the Internet – an Uncivil Discussion on Fair Use and Piracy

Well, this seems like a bad idea. I’ve assembled a panel of internet specialists to discuss the laws of the internet. As all good discussions go, I expect this one to be fraught with erudite insults and scholarly recitations of bad takes and special rules.

Just kidding! The panel exists to discuss the realities of digital piracy, fair use, and the nuances of internet commentary and criticism. The specific context of this discussion will be Eric July’s comic ISOM #1 (a smashing success!) and the alleged takedown of some tweets about the comic, purportedly on the basis of copyright infringement. It’s hard to have all of the facts on this one since I’m not an omnicient internet watcher, but hopefully the panelists can portray the situation accurately.




35 Replies to “The Internet Lawyers Discuss the Laws of the Internet – an Uncivil Discussion on Fair Use and Piracy”

  1. Walsingham says:

    The Shouting Black should wind his neck in.

  2. lbft100 says:

    This show did nothing for you or your panel.

  3. lbft100 says:

    The Jerry Springer Show.

  4. Good on you Nick for being honest, does that mike just yell louder when he is wrong? lol

  5. sui generis says:

    As per usual, the random fifteen minutes I could get through were awful. Apparently I picked the most intellectually robust.

    “Ok, so fair use is an affirmative defense to copyright which is a civil matter, but not really cuz piracy…oh yeah then there’s theft or conversion, ooh yeah forgot about those even though for this audience the distinctions won’t matter, but sort of kind of wow any Latin words I can think of? No, alright, let’s just flap my gums a bit about nothing because I’m drunk, just talk in circles because I love my voice.”

    Fair use has been asserted in piracy cases because piracy is theft. They’re overlapping criminal and civil matters. How can you know that this is not a thing, you absolute fucking retards.

    It’s always the litigators that refuse to prepare for court and walk out thinking, “Nailed it!!”

  6. Keanu Cooper says:

    This is completely random, but from a stream about five months ago. On Rumble Black history month with Drex, Flawdzilla and Camelot @ 3:58:25 someone sent a weird gif. Does anyone know what movie or tv show that gif is from?

  7. Anybody else use to watch Nick consistently keeping trying to comeback only to leave in less than 10minutes?

  8. Juri Kim says:

    Nick, you owe me a new monitor. That lofty part at the end was the most frustrating thing I ever watched in a long time and I punched my screen. You make these valid arguments and Lofty just vomits out the most stupidest take from his own reality and I never been so mad ever. I could not not finish watching the last part pf the rumble video. Also, I love me some racism jokes but every time Vito does it, I legit feel like he 200% means it, like the KKK would kick him out of the clan for being too racist lol. I miss camelot and Dick Masters on this show 800% now hahaha. Anyway, everyone else was great as usual, love you Nick and see you next time.

  9. I've watched Eric from the start. His channel is in corporate damage control mode. He's lost his soul to the money.

  10. WHO000000 says:

    This is a must watch with Vitophile in it.

  11. Mirag3 says:

    Bro this dude doesnt know that only the G7 are paying for Movies and Anime, the rest of the world just watches everything for free.

  12. Points notwithstanding, Mike is extremely fucking annoying. If I lower the volume because he's constantly screaming, I can't hear anyone else because everyone else is at an appropriate volume.

  13. Adrienne says:

    Dude I just subscribed

  14. How sad that spellcheck doesn't at final stroke contain even half of the dictionary and it's not non-insidious design likewise

  15. Cody S says:

    It is ironic lofti wanted to skip over the what is fair use conversation to go on later on rumble not understand what amount of effort constitutes change for fair use.

  16. Cody S says:

    I'd call lofti a retard but I mean retards at least make some kind of coherent stance in a discussion instead of flopping around like a fish arguing from both sides and go from calling you ignorant and gaslighting for not caring about what a miniscule amount of ppl on twitter are saying to saying "you" agree with "him" on a stance everyone already has common agreement on.

  17. misslouk says:

    Don't go there. Vito is a manbaby jealous of another man success. He is going to tarnish your brand with his tantrum. Ridiculous! Man doesn't need woman to bring themselves down. They do it better themselves.

  18. Fire-n-Ice says:

    I like Epic Mike, but his yelling all of time was deafening to my ear drums. 😂

  19. PpyDpy says:

    Oh it's "lofti pixels" because pixels sound super like computer geeky and stuff and lofti is a cute way to spell a real word. Go outside, exercise, don't become this guy.

  20. PpyDpy says:

    Im glad Nick is at least KIND OF returning to legal and political content, instead of selling sex toys and inviting 30 year olds on his podcasts to gossip about dating. We were headed down a really dark path for a sec there.

  21. Conor says:

    Even though I agreed with Mike in principle and Vito is a snake, he made it very difficult to listen to with the constant screaming.

  22. I can't trust anything Vito says because A.) He is historically dishonest, and B.) He is trying to release his own failing comic at the same time as Eric's comic is doing gang busters. I 100% think he is just trying to slander Eric to try and boost his own sales of his shitty comic.

  23. Ron Martin says:

    Mao, Stalin and Hitler all had the "best intentions" much like Lofti. Alt Left Fascism is hate speech.

  24. Kimbo Nice says:

    I admire Uncivil Law's ability to always look uncomfortably hot no matter the stream

  25. So this was all about a comic book? Got it. Makes sense people were yelling. So stupid

  26. Oops:
    'Sound of Freedom' Funder Fabian Marta Arrested For Child Kidnapping

  27. Ørphntw1n says:

    Nick is almost always debating from a completely different place than his guests, but rarely points it out to them. It’s great. For instance, Vito. Just because you are stating a true thing about something does not mean you are defending it. Its a very simple concept. Nick must love having you around to show the massive IQ gap.

  28. nla27 says:

    This is so great in 2x speed

  29. Alpha says:

    “Racial epitaphs”

  30. DaytonaFalls says:

    That fro man screaming like a beta male. Calm down, woman haha

  31. Epic Mike is as fun as a warth on the right asscheek

  32. LMAO! Lofti is Butter from South Park! All joke aside, Lofti is right. The content creator we watch/support pirate things to review in order to not give money to the people they do not like. YellowFlash does this, Gary Nerdrotic even buy the wrong movie ticket in order not to give money to Disney lol.

  33. Bert Furfull says:

    Vito is a putz, by the way I love how the two lawyers are quiet and smiling at the nerd fight 😂

  34. Holy fuck quit yelling in your fucking mike Mike I’m on your side but my ducking ears can’t handle it

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