The Movement MOST Don't Train (Squared Stance Rotation Away DEMO)

I don’t care what your age is, or sport is…if you are human…you MUST use this #coreworkout #corestrength to develop your core strength, #backstrength and overall athletic power!
00:00 Rear View – MOSTLY upper movement only
00:19 Front View – Keep the bar AWAY from your chest
00:50 Eyes Forward & Lean on FRONT Foot


2 Replies to “The Movement MOST Don't Train (Squared Stance Rotation Away DEMO)”

  1. Lil-Lee420 says:

    Looks useful, great for that trunk rotation, it reminds me of hook punches, but for building the trunk

  2. dno.allyn.86 says:

    Is this really needed in daily life?

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