The New Pride | Peter Boghossian & Andrew Doyle

“Is the trans movement anti-gay?” In honor of Pride Month, Peter Boghossian begins this conversation with an investigation into the increasing rejection of trans ideology by the LGB (without the T) community. Peter’s guest is Andrew Doyle, acclaimed author, comedian, and host of Free Speech Nation on GB News. Here’s an important piece of information to better understand this conversation: Andrew is gay.

Andrew explains the impact the trans movement has inflicted on gay people over the last several years, including the rise of abusive language toward gays he “hasn’t seen since the ‘80s.” Lesbians are labelled “sexual racists” or “transphobes” if they reject trans women as partners. (The same is true for gay men rejecting trans men—that is, women—but the abuse is not as pervasive.) Peter and Andrew discuss the incoherence of gender ideology, the nature of sexual attraction, how predators manipulate gender self-ID, and the sterilization of gay youth.

Also discussed: Bad woke art, sensitivity readers, primary education, censorship, standpoint epistemology, critical thinking, the long history of human fantasy and folly, and more.

Andrew Doyle is a journalist, playwright, satirist, and comedian. He is the creator of Titania McGrath, “a radical intersectionalist poet committed to feminism, social justice and armed peaceful protest.” He is the host of Free Speech Nation and an unabashed lover of art and literature.

The New Puritans: How the Religion of Social Justice Captured the Western World by Andrew Doyle
Free Speech Nation:
Andrew Doyle’s Twitter: @andrewdoyle_com
Titania McGrath’s Twitter: @TitaniaMcGrath

0:00 Intro
0:50 Is the trans movement anti-gay?
25:00 Lack of reason in LGBT activism
43:20 Science vs Pseudoscience
54:00 Offense & thought crime
59:35 Breaking the echo chambers of woke ideologies
1:02:40 Indoctrination in education
1:21:50 Effects from social problems in America

Further reading:

Joan of Arc, Elizabeth I may not have identified as women, scholar suggests

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30 Replies to “The New Pride | Peter Boghossian & Andrew Doyle”

  1. This conversation with Andrew Doyle was one of my favorites. If you missed my appearance on his show, check it out:

    Thank you for the support!

  2. Doug Judy says:

    ‘Sensitivity readers’ also put a warning on Virginia Woolf. Not because of anything she actually wrote, but because she was writing in that era.

    Woke arseholes always play that card: it’s not what she says, it’s what she’s trying to say’.
    Like they do to my Most Beloved Queen Terf.

  3. Roger Hudson says:

    The most important thing said , ' real trans people just want to get on with their lives as a person people will treat as other than their birth sex'. A trans person and a trans activist are not the same thing.

  4. Stella says:

    It’s so interesting. Because I am considered a terf, I’m blocked by India Willoughby and countless other TRA.

    2 blocks that baffle me are Billboard Chris and Andrew Doyle. Both blocks I discovered by watching your free speech videos, and subsequently went to their twitter account to follow them!

    I have never ever insulted anyone on twitter other than deliberately “misgendering”. I don’t call names. I don’t tell people to eff off.

    So much for free speech and honest dialogue.

    All that said. Great video. I’m sending to gay friends who are both baffled and bullied by the TRAs.

    It may be because I am tend to have a negative GB — which is riddled with non-trans related sexism.

    Thank you for your work. 🙏🏼💕

  5. Jola Ajtak says:

    You dont always need to refer to Nazi Germany. The left has their own violent history in the name of good: Russian’s October revolution, Che Guevara‘s revolution in Cuba, German‘s RAF.

  6. Doug Judy says:

    TRA’s are a bunch of nonces. It’s driven by AGP men, and fetishes don’t exist in a vacuum.

  7. J.J. L. says:

    I appreciate that Andrew distinguishes between the trans activist clowns and trans people, that most (and I would add, real) trans people just want to live their lives.

  8. ung427 says:

    "It's trans activists, not trans people. Trans people just want to get on with their lives"… So in other words, mentally ill crazy people get together, and everyone now has to follow what they think. So the word activist is a fascist dog whistle for, "completely bonkers in the head"..

  9. Zapre says:

    Weaponised anger …20 years ago these types would have stayed at home cutting themselves. Now they have a vehichle to project that self hatred out onto others, while feeling a sense of moral superiority.

  10. The problem, or one of it, is that because of trans extremists, normal trans people are actually being put into the same basket. Same as gay people are going to go backwards due to this because of the stain trans activists are going to place on the liberties and rights gay prople have fought so hard to get in at least some parts of the world.

  11. Tim Fallon says:

    The way Doyle casually dismisses critics of homosexuality is no different to the way transgenders operate. Doyle can't see his hypocrisy.

  12. 41:09 "We have to trust the experts, but we can't at the moment because they're all high priests" Nail=head.

  13. Best conversation I have ever listened to on this subject between men.

  14. Post Man says:

    Peter, Keep up the great work. I'm an ex-Portlander. I'm about a month into listening to your discussions and your investigation style is superb

  15. ,Anthony.All the tris,trans,trus, shit , brigade,can twist themselves into kingdom come.because they haven’t a clue about life and living.The real world will pass them by. And old age and loneliness will not be worth all the nonsense they have filled their heads with. Enjoy your misery.

  16. Sean Drew says:

    Peter, you’ve just been cancelled by the Zeta Reticulans.

  17. swifty64 says:

    Bit of bromance going on here

  18. An adult male in the home is an ideal thing … provided … that male is not overbearing, misogynistic, a sexual predator, a man who insists his wife and daughters must be veiled, and a man who is mature enough to help raise his children to be independent, self-reliant, capable people. Unlike the white, middle-class man in a recent YouTube video who had raised his daughter to think of him as her guardian for the rest of her life, insisting that he should have a right of veto over who she married. He was infantalising her and thought that was a father’s job well done.

  19. History hasn’t finished. The story hasn’t ended. The game’s no over, Mr B.
    There is a pendulum in human affairs; it’s never at rest but continues its inevitable course between extremes.
    All of human history shows this to be true. The pendulum just seems to be swinging faster in this era.

  20. Solitarianna says:

    Oh please don't ever shut up!
    I don't have the eloquence & personal confidence that you have. I want to speak up but falter & end up going mute or mumbling something akin to an apology for my own mind. I need to be able to point people to ones such as you. Keep going (both of you).
    A huge thankyou.

  21. steveno0007 says:

    You guys are Rockstars for having such a wonderful conversation.
    It has so much truth and I hope more people are able to reach the batural conclusions of Doyle's outlook.

  22. See Extraordinary Popular Delusions and the Madness of Crowds by Mackay for the classic study

  23. Megaz W says:

    Gender ideology and homosexuality can't coexist. They are fundamentally opposed to each other at their core.
    The obsession with gender isn't something I can comprehend. Gender has never been something that meant anything to me. Why do we want people to define themselves entirely on regressive and antiquated sex stereotypes? How do some see this as progress?
    I can't understand it.

  24. edpistemic says:

    Peter should also feel more hope by the fact that there are more teachers in the system teaching young people to think and question than he thinks. I am one of them.

  25. Big Red says:

    Marxist ideology states that all systems or agree to methods of discourse or debate should be thrown out so that there is no platform on which to argue the merits of one idea over another. This is classic marx, attack your enemy with an irrational argument or statement which can never be countered by reason. And while you are trying to counter irrational ideas, statements, or beliefs or feelings with reason the irrational person moves off. This create anarchy and archy suits those who do not want to dance to the tune of other people (that is to say an agreed set of principles on which the merits of an argument can be found), what so ever.

  26. Big Red says:

    This irrational argument that Trans people have about people other than trans people righting them off in the prospective dating stakes, they are righting off what is a natural attraction between same sex people on one hand and opposite sex attracted people also. Why would we let people who are so conflicted about their identity tell us what is acceptable and what is not when it come to attraction between people.
    For example I am not interested in men's (or woman's), penises and neither are lesbian woman. Therefore I am not ever going to be attracted to people who pretend to be one thing (a woman), but are by their gender or biology another (with a penis).

  27. Big Red says:

    Yes in fact, at the turn of the 20th century, boys wore pink and girls wore blue. Some people dressed their kids in yellow however.

  28. Eduin B says:

    This guy’s reasoning and logic is so on point!

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