The Upshot: European Open Recap, Jeff Spring, United Series

Charlie Eisenhood and Josh Mansfield discuss a very exciting European Open, looking at the late drama, competition level, triumphs and failures, spectators, and more. Then the guys interview Jeff Spring about the latest in the DGPT transgender competition saga.

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0:00 Introduction
3:10 European Open Results
42:50 Jeff Spring Interview
1:27:00 Reactions to the United Series

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33 Replies to “The Upshot: European Open Recap, Jeff Spring, United Series”

  1. Charlie is the best disc golf journalist by a mile. He's the best disc golf live commentator by a mile. This "I told you so" after the Spring interview was a bit much though. Even if you're right. Dial it back a bit or say it to Jeff's (internet) face. Just a little too excited about this I told you so. It's like he expected the DGPT to never even try to enact rules they thought were fair. The possibility of losing litigation here wasn't enough reason to not try. I appreciate that this wasn't a slow pitch soft ball interview like on foundation, don't get me wrong, but the "I told you so" after the cut is below his journalistic standards.

  2. Why is Josh smiling so much during such a serious discussion?

  3. Robert Yoder says:

    Has Natalie provided any blood samples? If so, how often? Is this random testing, or does the tested participant have advance warning if the tests?

  4. DiscGolf says:

    Rock, meet Hard place

  5. Chuck Rau says:

    There was nothing about this year even close to being better than lasts years McBattle.

  6. James White says:

    Charlie's disdain for the PDGA and DGPT and (Jeff Spring honestly) is so obvious. Crazy they continue to pay him to commentate. And that he continues to provoke an employer. Must not need the money

  7. Thanks for asking the tough questions and not taking a stock answer as the end of it. True journalism here.

  8. Brody Nelson says:

    Obviously AB was going for a spike into that green with a driver but I couldn’t imagine throwing as far as he did trying to land a driver 280 ft away.. spiking the disc is his comfort but the zone is so much more practical there

  9. I lol’d when he said he absolutely did not blunder this policy

  10. Ryan Johnson says:

    so many canned responses here. . .lets see how it plays out

  11. Kevin says:

    its hard to listen to josh

  12. Chip Hosken says:

    Trash takes from a trash tour.

  13. Alem Hanna says:

    Rename fpo afabPO.. assigned female at birth.. problem solved..

  14. TJ Lewisdale says:

    Exhausting. Has this topic hurt your listens and views? I know I used to tune in every week but I stopped because I’m sick of this. And I tune in and again it’s the same nonsense and I’m done.

  15. The separate but equal tour- presented by love lmao

  16. Jeff talks out of his ass two ways- acts like he and the pro tour have always been inclusive yet this situation has happened solely b/c of Jeff spring- take some effing responsibility for your exclusionary and discriminatory actions that have led the DG community to turn into a toxic hate pit

  17. Josh, I 100% watch. Can't miss the great facial expressions at times you guys have lol when one asks the "off the wall" question 😂

  18. Ryan Schwind says:

    Charlie great job in the booth this past weekend. It’s the professional level commentating disc golf needs

  19. The DGPT is playing chess regarding this situation. Why do I say that? Just listen to Natalie and his lawyer respond to Natalie getting the ability to play. They are upset about this, hmmmm…….that you make you think? Stay tuned during this long game.

  20. eric sneddon says:

    One thing we have learned is if you don't run a nationwide multi million dollar business, if you don't have share holders and employees, if you don't have competitors and sponsors, if you don't have fans world wide all with their own opinions, if you don't have lawyers and experts giving you council, it turns out making the best decision on how to run that business is easy you just have to run a YouTube talkshow lol

  21. eric sneddon says:

    Even the way Charlie put it is so disappointing, people for inclusion and people against inclusion. Starting to sound like all the main stream media.

  22. bryan bowman says:

    im super surprised everyone who isn't trans liked this decision! did anyone ask a trans person how they felt, or doesn't that matter?

  23. bryan bowman says:

    "let other people do the right/moral thing, that's not something we are interested in"

  24. bryan bowman says:

    is ANYONE going to interview even ONE TRANS PLAYER, or are we just interested in the oppressors side?

  25. bryan bowman says:

    guys we put out the money fire we started, see how good we are? THIS IS GOOD RIGHT GUYS?

  26. Blake West says:

    What can we do to make sure Charlie and Philo cover all majors? The commentary was so balanced and perfect.

  27. Disc Fan says:

    The FPO division is ruining the 2023 season. This would never happen in PGA ,NBA or any respectable pro sport. FPO is a financial drain and now is all that is talked about. The DGPT needs a new business plan. FPO is a charity subsidized by MPO while most MPO’s are living off their parents.

  28. Whoah, the disrespect you guys throw at Heimburg, … unbelievable!

  29. So is there a "line" or requirement to play in the FPO in those events? Or can anyone that identifies as a woman play?

  30. Adam C says:

    Once again Josh talking for 10 min and says nothing….. then says one real thought and its stuff like Calvin woild switch seasons with Corey. UGH it's hard to listen to

  31. Alcaraz, not Alcazar….

  32. Sam Anthony says:

    Im fine with this fpo solution for the short term. Disc golf just isnt the sport to figure these tough issues out.

  33. You had Ford & Baltic Air as major sponsors and yet a wimpy payout??? WTF

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