There’s No “Right” Way to Swing the Club… ⛳️

Enjoy the deep dive today into SPECTRUMS OF MOVEMENT in the golf swing, and the implications of different movement patterns on overall body health and performance.

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42 Replies to “There’s No “Right” Way to Swing the Club… ⛳️”

  1. 7777mantle says:

    Love the videos was hoping you could dive deeper on the pelvis drop move. ( if you have already done point me to video) also are there any adjustments for over 60 golfers
    Thank you

  2. John Casson says:

    My wife has been away in Michigan for a week and I have stayed up late every night soaking in the concepts. Thanks for your generosity. I’ve been bragging about you to all my pals who live down in the Pinehurst area. Very grateful!

  3. 10Fam says:

    Great work fellas. Love the combination of goata and good biomechanics into golf. As A physical therapist I find it next level in golf/ fitness teaching

  4. Another video, another golden nugget

  5. Foreal says:

    Another informative video. I would like some clarification on when you say the chest drives the swing. It feels like my core is driving my swing my abs in particular, would you consider that the same as when you say chest? I definitely struggle with back pain when I use my hips first so I try to stay away from actively rotating my hips. Thanks guys.

  6. golf weed says:

    This blends with the episode on the tailbone, correct. Passive rotation of the hips, with the tailbone retreating, but when does the extension happen? Do you extend before or after impact?

  7. Ed Moreno says:

    I seem to do better if my hips are passive responding to the upper body and arms/chest being the engine. The lower body is dynamic but in my case is the foundation to work from. Currently I an benefiting from flaring both feet. I also have a more underhand toss or skipping the stone feeling release. No rollover. Irons are more passive with the hands releasing. The woods and driver for me must be more of a throw to get the best result. Iron distance has I increased by one club and more consistent. Woods are longer and higher. Driver is my most inconsistent, but I have days when the timing is on and the driver is the best in the bag. Letting the arms spiral with a more straight but relaxed feeling is what I work on at the range with the objective of taking it to the course. Great insight as always! I really appreciate your team instruction and shorts!

  8. Rich Keyser says:

    Great info. Work with Milo and you guys add the additional info to help me understand the movements. Thx again.

  9. Sam Perez says:

    When I drop like this, I’m hitting super fat. Any suggestions? Thx 🙏🏼

  10. Al Lama says:

    You guys are awesome and have really helped solidify my understanding of how important "match-ups" are to build a solid golf swing. I would love for you guys to do a video on developing speed and distance. Although I believe my technique is pretty sound and I am in athletic condition (5'11.5" 150 lbs), I can't seem to develop good swing speed. Thanks!

  11. I can attest to this exact thing. Had slight to mild herniation in all of my lumbar discs bc of my back hip firing forward and causing me to have to drastically bend over to hit the ball.

  12. Joe Blow says:

    Awesome content, best on youtube by far!

  13. Adam Esterle says:

    How do you build the downswing “pelvis drop” into your swing? It seems to happen so dang fast to have it be a swing thought

  14. A lot of this rings true for me. I am a 5hcp 5ft 6 inches guy. I learnt from Hogan's book initially, and since, swing models that you/Milo Lines et al., prefer have allowed me to feel a comfortable motion in the body with good whippy speed. However, as I continue to imporve, despite good strength and ok speed, I feel because I have a low mass too (because I am athletic and weigh only 135 pounds) these techniques work well for me up to about a 5 iron, but for my longer clubs, I feel like I have to extend/flick/throwout a bit more to achieve an appropriate level of speed, spin and trajectory height for example to optimise on Trackman/ hold greens/drive longer etc. For me an optimised ball flight 'feels like' extending/scooping etc as I've always squashed/compressed it with a relatively passive release. You began to touch on this in the video but I'd be interested to know your approach to coaching someone who is athletic but quite small and light. It is information which I've found is not talked about at all. How should the little guys (not necessarily juniors) optimise their technique/game?? Could be a topical video given Brian Harman's recent Open win, and Rory's length despite being smaller. Thanks for the video and sorry for the long question. I can't be the only one thinking about this, and maybe some of your work with juniors would translate this well.

  15. James Beers says:

    PT here. I’m not a huge guy at 175 pounds. However, I have hip flexion contractures from college track injuries. I’ve had a huge improvement in power and comfort by changing my swing from your videos. Thanks guys. Also, nerd correction: 5 lumbar vertebrae, not 7. 😉

  16. Garry says:

    I have watched numerous youtube instructors and really enjoy your content. Not only is it clear and concise but very informative around the movements within the golf swing. Keep up the great work.!

  17. David Tuttle says:

    How do you keep from tugging left if the pelvis is passive and the chest is turning first?

  18. Another great one. Love the content. Every video improves my understanding

  19. Jon Smith says:

    Im hooked. The drop does so much in one move that it’s fundamental. We need to get the drop on the drop. Any chance of video?.

  20. PACKN HEAT12 says:

    I enjoy the contenr, need this lesson!

  21. Craig G says:

    Another amazing vid. It got my thinking about Brook’s swing where he doesn’t have a full hip turn on backswing, trail leg stays flexed, almost like in the squat position you prefer. He kinda matches that up with not much hand depth. Do you think this is by design to eliminate a variable of timing of a small squat, deep hands?

  22. John Yoon says:

    Should a player slide up and down the spectrum of movement some as your body changes? I’ve gained weight over the years and was wondering if my movement could be optimized by sliding down the hip extension scale and staying flexed through the shot better. Thanks and keep up the great content!

  23. Is that Jordon Spieth? No wait, it's TJ.

  24. Sean Pace says:

    Love these videos. Appreciate you guys.

  25. Carlos - says:

    What a great series of videos. Thank you guys. Lots of good information and technical explanations we can use to build a better and more eficient swing.

  26. I hope this message finds you in the spirit it was intended – I think you guys are the greatest, and I hope you find tremendous success as a result of your efforts here.

    That being said, I think there would be a lot of benefit to fixing your lapel microphone. I don't know what your settings are at, but it sounds like the gain or volume or whatever is cranked up too high. The sound quality is so driven that it's distorting.

    There are multiple places where you can boost the volume of something… The main mix, a sub mix, the input, etc., As well as various plugins you can use that will affect the perceived loudness (like a compressor). I think there should be a way for you to take the edge off of that microphone input and boost the volume somewhere else so that it's still as loud as you need to be for the video. It's just that with that distortion, it makes it hard to listen to, and it is tiring on the ear.

    That's just a little nuts and bolts observation about the production – The actual content is stellar, and I have nothing but glowing praise for every aspect of how you communicate your methodology.

  27. Think this will save my back. Getting so I could hardly play after years of crunching, sliding, and extending. Didn’t want to do those things. But nothing made sense that I could bring to the course and generate power with. I’d try things from other videos and think, I’m doing it, this is really different but still walk away with a sore back and probably the same old crunching, sliding, extending swing. But these maps are truly different from how I’ve understood the swing before. Not swinging great yet, well not consistently. But some great shots and no sore back. Thanks!

  28. geoffreyfld says:

    Another quality vid guys! Love the amazing content. Your greatly appreciated perspective on a healthy swing makes a lot of sense and the reasons provided is well thought out. No other content providers come close! Bravo guys!

  29. Tee R says:

    Thanks guys, great videos! This specific video game me a light bulb moment since I am a heavier dude. Can't wait to try it out.

  30. I have been watching from Perth, Western Austrailia. I would love to have an online session with you guys 🤞looking forward to some short game content too. Please keep it up.

  31. CJ Calderone says:

    Once I started watching you guys I committed to your channel and only a few others that match up. Not scoring consistently yet, but golfing without worrying about triggering my back injury is a blessing! I will come visit you some day. Thank you!

  32. Does this mean you would want to squat down then rip the ribs open as the downswing move?

  33. Mike Kommer says:

    Good stuff as always!
    What about the head?
    After the drop and the chest rotation, where should the head be. In pictures and videos of tour players, at impact their head is typically behind the ball.
    Is there anything specific you teach for head placement/movement?

  34. alkilindsey says:

    Love these videos. Need to use this to save my L Spine so I can play longer.

  35. Rob Mac says:

    Great content guys. I’ve taken lessons from multiple people, and watched countless videos online but still struggled to improve my swing. These videos are broken down in a way that makes it easy to follow by explaining why you’re doing each movement. Explaining the why is key for me to understand rather than the standard just do this instruction. Keep up the fantastic work gentlemen!!

  36. Greg Owens says:

    I've been trying to be more rotational, but can't seem to get my aim correct. Further from the pin. Not sure if you have an aiming video, but I use the back of my left hand for direction.

  37. Does the rib sway/rotation to the left create the shallowing in transition, or is addition of right lateral side bend required? Thanks!

  38. mike lor says:

    Love these YouTube videos. Keep them coming guys!

  39. The problem becomes when these little junior golfers grow up and get bigger! They have ingrained that active hip extension into their swing pattern and changing their pattern to dropping the pelvis and flexion becomes more problematic. At what point in a young golfer’s swing do you try to change the pattern to flexion and rotation (because it’s the preferred swing pattern)? Thanks again for your uploads! 👊👊

  40. This series has transformed my golf swing. Just gives such an amazing overall understanding of how a golf swing should work and feel. Constantly watching these on repeat! Great work! ⛳🏌️‍♂️

  41. Haven’t heard it explained this way before, this was great!

  42. Van Renick says:

    Super, super good content. I'll be 67 in a couple of weeks and have been wandering in the wilderness for 20 years, trying everything and anything to really learn how to hit the ball the way I want to. I still compete but haven't accomplished what I should have. Your videos have taken me to a new level. I broke my age last week and am 9 under par for my last two rounds with only 1 bogey and it wasn't because of a hot putter. My shots have more character, my dispersion pattern is much tighter and I'm hitting it longer. Interestingly, my misses are on the heel side of center whereas for the last 20 years virtually all my misses were on the toe. My swing feels much more free and repeatable. Thank you so much for what you're offering as free content. It's been a game changer for me and count me among those interested in the free lesson drawing when you hit 10,000 subscribers.

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