This is Getting SPICY..

Nhl news today edmonton oilers trade rumors are rumbling and fans are passionate so this stuff tends to happen. Nhl highlights connor mcdavid and leon draisaitl are starving for an oilers stanley cup , and they need everyone chipping in. NHL trade rumors today edmonton oilers news mcdavid interview darnell nurse hockey news and rumors nhl 24 trailer release date info should be coming very soon. Connor mcdavid highlights will be INSANE this year, but the team needs others to do more to beat teams like the vegas golden knights , and they might dip more into nhl free agency 2023 – trades nhl reaction goal horns edmonton oilers nhl today
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37 Replies to “This is Getting SPICY..”

  1. Tman says:

    Nice shot at the elks..🙄🤣 long live the Eskimo’s!

  2. Definitely not the craziest market outside the big 2. Demonstrably not.

  3. Curtis White says:

    Time and time again he take’s absolutely stupid penalties, flails around on one knee to block shots that he doesn’t block but does screen his goalie, always pinching in on plays and leaves ceci back alone, yeah he needs to clean up his act and quit being a liability. Everyone is entitled to their opinions of course but that’s mine

  4. Rob Gauthier says:

    During his contract year Darnell led all NHL defenseman in even strength goals!!! He got a little bigger deal than he probably deserved but, like Draisaitl, Darnells contract will get better with time!!! Darnells best hockey will come in the next 2 years!!!✌😊

  5. G D says:

    If that’s the case, why be busting Matthews and Marner’s pucks? Seems hypocritical.

  6. Saying that its hypocritical to say that he shouldnt have takin 9 million for 1st role has a defenseman for me is funny. Yeah i would have taken it, but i would not complain that people want me to play like a 9 million D man. We know he cant, but cmon stop complaining. You made that choice and im pretty sure hes intelligent enough to know that will happen.

  7. Tom Deal says:

    He is highly skilled but lacks the vision…. He is still worth his contract, just look at the stats.

  8. Darnell Nurse IS a good d-man! He had a seasonal +/- of +26 (only Mattias Ekholm was better with +28), and if you’re better than CMD’s +22 (knowing how Phenomenal he is), then he’s REALLY doing something right. 😀

  9. If I were in charge of Team Canada and we wanted to win, I'd have Darnell Nurse on my left side defense. Argue to your heart's content, but I would want to win, and his intangibles belong among the best. Oilers fan, btw

  10. Alex says:

    Darnell is overpaid by max 2mil, 9.25 is a lot for him but the over pay is not as bad as people think.

  11. Dylan Graham says:

    Nurse ain't bad, but he is grossly overpaid.

  12. Brent Venton says:

    Nurse is a number 1, but not a #1 for a real contender. His offense is just not good enough. In today's league, at that price point, you want a point per game D or close to it that runs a PP and is at least "pretty good" defensively. The contract is not his fault and probably it will be a fatal flaw in the construction this team. I don't think Leon and CMD have any shot at a Cup without a serious renovation of the back end. i would trade Nurse straight up for Karlsson so at least I get some production for that kind of money….

  13. Imu Lippo says:

    It's not hypocritical (do you even understand what the word means?), that is just realistic and honest. Is that so strange concept?

  14. Imu Lippo says:

    "How many of you would trurn out 9,25m$ salary" is wrong question. It's not about "would you [average joe] accept that kind of money even if you think you are not worth it?", it's about you should produce what you're making at pro-sport in relation to your teammates.

  15. Edmonton doesn’t match up with passion and intensity as the market in Toronto. Stop it, literally!

  16. Bobs Uruncle says:

    The Oilers have a Nurse signed now they need a Moma to.

  17. Mr. Doom says:

    The thing about this is that Darnell Nurse had the best +/- of anyone on the team this past year, so it’s confusing when I see that, and then still complain about him the odd time.

  18. Dylan R says:

    I think you are delirious if you think Nurse is a 3rd pair

  19. It’s his contact and he always over performed his other contract and stop hating on him he is are player

  20. As an oilers fan I remember the summer he missed a chunk of training camp to get that $9mil. The reason ppl in Edmonton are mad at nurse is cuz he DEMANDED mcdavid drai money and he’s not half the player and he takes so much cap we can’t sign someone better. Tbh I’m glad he feels it cuz maybe now he’ll take a contract we can win with. Same goes w mcdavid and drai but at least they’re playing hockey worth their contracts

  21. I don't think "contingency" is the word you were looking for…

  22. Chris says:

    The problem with the Coilers is they have 2 people you need to shut down and you beat them. it isn't the eighties anymore, get with the times.

  23. Doppa D says:

    Overpriced, gets caught standing still and gazing at the puck too often, but not a bad d-man… he needs a better defensive partner.

  24. Randoir says:

    WHY would any player say NO to a big fat contract ???? That'd be like saying NO to huge winning lotto ticket !!!! It's up to the team to decide what a player is worth . If you throw alot of money at any player are you expecting them to say no?

  25. flyinhigh50 says:

    Well… if he was flat out offered his paycheck, that’s not on him. But if he fought mgmt to get the pay of an elite defenseman and didn’t live up to his promises, then yes, he deserves some criticism.

  26. Every team in the NHL have a bad contract . The Edmonton Oilers got #25 Daniel Nurse @ 9,5 M$/yr. who should have been signed for half of that, 4,5 M$ /yr as a 2nd pairing D. Sometime it's too much too ask from people too much and the asking price to get rid of this bad contract is probably way too much i.e. A bundle with a good contract like #29 Leon Draisatl .

    Now you are stuck with him. Look everybody in Montréal want that Jonathan Drouin became the next 50 goals scorers 100 pts guys in Montréal but it never happened because we expected too much from him.

    Same for Nurse. It's an art to be properly evaluate an hockey player unbiasly. That's why a former players like Kent Hughes is properly suited for player evaluation but i believe you need a guy who could impose respect and a winning culture in your team too.

  27. Seen48 says:

    So true. I admit, I scream his name the most when watching games. I think about the contract, performance in our zone, in their zone. I’m going to try and do better this season.

  28. I don’t blame Nurse, I don’t think he is underperforming. I once again blame retarded management for screwing the team by signing him for more than double what he’s worth

  29. Tamar00 says:

    He has made some really bad plays and they ended up being costly. 9.25 is way to much for him. No more than 5.25 is what i would have offered. Yes he plays long shifts and yea thats probably what cause him to make bad plays. Ekholm and Bouchard have helped relieve that pressure.
    I think as an oilers fan it came down to 2 factors why hes in the spot hes in.

    1. He was our number 1 because we lost Klefbom and Larsson adding to him playing more shifts ans longer shifts and the siging was terrible timing becuase of Seth Jones.

    2. Hes being what alot of Oilers fans state as over paid.

    3. He has made some very costly plays. Things like passing infront of the net, blind passes to an opponents stick, jumping up on a play off the blue line leaving it exposed (granted could be a coaching error), and one i have seen go south on us a few times he pushes up to keep pressure on when he definitely shouldn't and the puck gets by him and a 2 on 1 or even a break away happens in the dying minutes or in OT.
    He has made some bad plays that ended a game for us and thats why fans here are so upset.

    Its good hes spoken out about this and yes fans here in Edmonton tend to be DIE HARD fans but he also has to know hes in the spotlight because of his contract.
    He is by no means a bad defenseman and i see him as a key piece and every team had that one player that gets blamed, look at Reimer and the Leafs.

  30. Joe Strunk says:

    I disagree ,Nurse is a #1 on any other team .how many videos and discussions are out there on, what went wrong .i would be willing to bet conner and leon and oilers merchandise is the highest selling all across Canada . every player and coach ,the entire organization is about getting more points for these guys .its not about wining a cup .its about selling merch.all it takes to win a game is one more goal .you see in a team sport the forwards have to come back and help defend ,takes personal risk of injury to help your team win . that's the reason defensemen are always on the chopping block and every goalie is a peace of trash . Edmonton fans are the most gullible in the entire league .its time for oiler fans to take a look at cup wining teams see how they really play .i know it sounds condescending but we are sick to death of hearing about it. obviously i am not an oilers fan. and i hope you never figure it out

  31. Dion Phaneuf syndrome 😂

  32. d b says:

    It's not like Edmonton just decided to give him a huge contract. He obviously fought for, and thought he deserved this price point. Simply put, he has underperformed. Yes, there is a lot of pressure being in a Canadian market…. but again, he asked for this

  33. TronLink Pro says:

    He should have taken less. Someone probably inflated his ego. Because he should be at 4.5 to 6. If he cared about the oilers he would renegotiate

  34. William says:

    He and his camp pushed for this money tho

  35. hazelnut49 says:

    Sorry but yeah if you don't want the pressure then don't sign for that much money. Sorry, not Sorry. If you can't except the responsibility of a contract like that then don't sign it. McDavid & Draisaitl have not only lived up to their contracts but surpassed it. While Nurse has been a big disappointment. Maybe if he lived up to it people wouldn't be complaining. But because he hasn't, then it looks like it hinders the team more & handicaps them from getting better D to support like they desperately need.

  36. The hockey market dictated what nurse should make, I still believe to this day they did this to screw the oilers

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