Trace The Arc To Master Swing Plane | PlaneSWING Tutorial

I’ve had several people on YouTube recently ask me how to naturally and consistently find the bottom of the arc in the golf swing. Well here is a video Henry and I did a while back featuring a training aid that I think acts much like training wheels, giving you a clear path and visual to follow (especially where it matters from P6 to P8 in the swing). Although I don’t use the PlaneSwing often in lessons, for the purposes of illustrating the movements you typically see me discussing on here, I really like the visual component this training aid provides. Hope you enjoy! And if you’d like to look into getting a PlaneSwing for yourself, check out their line of products at

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20 Replies to “Trace The Arc To Master Swing Plane | PlaneSWING Tutorial”

  1. It’s interesting, but I’d need to try it before purchasing it. $1200 is just too big of an investment for something that might end up just sitting in the garage.

  2. Can you hit balls using this?

  3. Eric says:

    I think with swing plane you have to mention that as the clubhead end of the shaft is on plane rubbing the apparatus the hands and butt of the club need to be approximately on plane also. If the butt end of the club is way inside you would have the club overly flat going thru but still be able to rub the clubhead side on plane. Conversely if you have your hands and the butt of the club to far away from you you would come thru too upright but still be able to manipulate the club to rub the clubhead side on plane. So the whole club shaft has to be on plane going thru.

  4. You can really see what Milo's signature downswing move does for him in getting to the post-impact side of the plane. It is a lot further left than you think! And he gets there w/o rolling the arms! I will come back to this vid many times in the future!

  5. PlaneSWING® says:

    Thanks guys. A really interesting discussion. The adjustability is the reason we have DJ, Darren Clarke, Tommy Fleetwood, Bryson DeChambeau (Bryson's coach Mike Schy bought 4 plus he has the "Schy Circle", Shaun Micheel, Rich Beem and players on all the main Tours as customers. I hope to work with you both in the future. #noplanenogain 🙂 Best, Tony

  6. Tiny Toons says:

    What can I say, true professionals, no BS just straight talk, what a breathe of fresh air !

  7. Great video showing the variation in backswings and common things about impact!

  8. Great video fellas! Can we get a Milo and Henry team up for a short game video???

  9. AutisticHead says:

    Hi Milo, if we don’t have $1000 sitting around in our spare change drawer how can we drill this without this training aid?

  10. 89tallman says:

    hey milo i was thinking about getting the plane swing whats your thoughts.

  11. desano1975 says:

    On a tilted plane like at address is it a perfect or near perfect circle we trace ? Or do we get in posture and swing on a 45 degree or neither

  12. Smokin Jaws says:

    I have the Explanar and it does help.

  13. I'm in England, quite a few years ago i saw a similar aid at Woburn Golf and Country Club when i went to a European tour event, i just googled it as couldn't remember the name, its called the Explanar. Certainly a brilliant trainer especially at waist to waist height and from the front angle watching the video.

  14. Neifer says:

    If I want to practice this on video, where should I draw the line? Heel of the club through elbow?

  15. Simmo says:

    It won’t fit in my golf bag.

  16. Wayne D says:

    Great video..which finally gave me the ah ah moment I have been searching for. The comment made by your partner that this shows how the swing is "side on" gave me the visual I needed to get in my mind, which helps me pivot and swing thru without any swing thoughts. My baseball swing now is beneficial and now I hopefully could say bye to flipping or releasing to early. Thank you and its hard to believe all these lessons are free!

  17. Declan says:

    Thanks for sharing another great video. If you have a backswing like Henry that's 'on plane' then are trying to shallow it in the downswing or does that only apply if you are steeper in the backswing ?

  18. Excellent. Thanks!

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