Trump HORRIBLE Golf Shot GOES VIRAL and EXPOSES He is a LOSER at Everything

MeidasTouch host Ben Meiselas reports on Donald Trump’s horrible golf short that was caught on tape and discusses how Donald Trump’s golf game is a microcosm of his failure as a person.

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32 Replies to “Trump HORRIBLE Golf Shot GOES VIRAL and EXPOSES He is a LOSER at Everything”

  1. John Haas says:

    Its who he is….
    A fucking con man.
    You minions should be so fucking proud.

  2. Justin Hill says:

    Golfshank Redemption

  3. When was America great when they enslaved other human beings when they stole Land from the natives

  4. Wesley Bryan says:

    While Donald Trump golf, you are dying!!

  5. George Levin says:

    Donald J. TRUMP ………….greatest president of modern American history

  6. duh1100 says:

    he probably believes his lies

  7. Judy Barnes says:

    Donald trump has always been a disgusting disgraceful liar , it’s never going to be a day thst trump doesn’t lie and as far as trump with 911 he made such 3vil disgraceful comments , the city and the country 2as in so much danger and he’s been saying he was there by ground zero but hin3stly he could care less then he kept making remarks thst his tower was now the largest since 5he towers went down , this guy has no heart at all thousands of unnicent people died thst day and all he kept saying was crap about his tall his darn building was , he’s a human disgrace !

  8. David Tong says:

    Why are we not surprise?

  9. He will tell his zealot base he's the best golfer and they will believe him.

  10. Danold is so fat & out of shape Halarious 😂😂😂

  11. J S Levenson says:

    Trump cheats like a 5-year-old psychotic kid.

  12. Jordan's is purely evil.
    A coniving disgusting goof.

  13. R W R says:

    Well at least he can swing a golf club , biden can't even do that !

  14. Have you forgotten that a US News agency(can't remember wich) interviewed a Norwegian Pro golfplayer whom had played against Trump and they asked her on how good a player he was? Her snarky half-encrypted reply should be spoiler enough.

  15. Chill Bill says:

    He now votes for Trump

  16. small hands and a limp wrist

  17. Michel *** says:

    Golf is not even a “sport.” – It’s a “lazy man’s” game.

  18. James Caan told a story about Don Addams cheating at golf. One day James got so mad at Don that he grabbed him, threw him to the ground and stuffed a golf ball in his mouth! When Don had somewhat recovered he said "Remind me never to take you bowling!" 😂

  19. VonOnymous says:

    Ben, I'm So glad and Grateful that You and colleagues are BLUE. thank You💪🏼💪🏾🤜🏻🤛🏾😊

  20. Rick Drewes says:


  21. deborah kerr says:

    He’s a cheater and a LOOSER!

  22. Anon Amos says:

    He loses at everything. Entertaining to watch 🍿🍿

  23. Jane Vincent says:

    O, I am sick to my stomach right now.

  24. We Die from COVID
    Trump golfs
    I'd by thatT-shirt

  25. Who is the bigger loser, the guy cheating at golf or those who choose to play with a loser?

  26. Why does he even play golf if he has to cheat? Where’s the enjoyment at that?

  27. Donald Shankapotomus…..😅😂

  28. Yusei Fudo says:

    He is a loser's booo👎🏼👎🏼👎🏼

  29. Be Blessed says:

    He looks OVER WEIGHT

  30. mark blue says:

    chumps nick name is chippy

  31. Bull shit ! Trump is the best choice for president! What idiot would vote for Biden ? If you cant be fair and discuss Bidin too,dont say nothing ?

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