Try this GRIP to Generate SNAP…(Loud Snap)

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32 Replies to “Try this GRIP to Generate SNAP…(Loud Snap)”

  1. MilesKid says:

    very much a beginner…started father's day when me son's got me discs and a basket. I struggled to throw 200. My max was 225, once. I switched from Stokley's palm grip to your grip and then next two sessions I threw over 300. Birdied a 350 hole that I struggled to get to in 4 in the past. Plan to purchase your course when I know I have time to go through it.

  2. bryan sans says:

    Do you use this for mids and putters ?

  3. Mike Ikata says:

    Great tip! Going to work on this asap. Keep up the vids coach T.

  4. Daniel Grovo says:

    Snap has never equaled distance.

  5. MK says:

    great vid. cant wait to try it.

  6. Greg Bishop says:

    This is how I naturally gripped the disc since I started in 2012

  7. Tom Horne says:

    Old man here, I previously said 20' I meant to say 20 steps farther. 20 steps X 2.4' per step =48' farther. I will throw again today.

  8. Hey… people who are as old as dirt NEED grip gimmicks! LOL.

  9. Will Parrish says:

    Will have to try this. Have you done a video on what workouts/stretching you do for the slingshot?

  10. I have never placed the disc in my palm, it doesn't feel natural. I have always gripped it with my fingers first to get a natural feel and then dropped my thumb where I need it for the shot.

  11. Thought I was the only one who gripped this way.

  12. Thank you for sharing this. This is what i was missing. This will be my final grip. i just started but i would always fiddle and change my grip because there is a lot of different style and information according to the other videos on you tube. i felt like i was gripping/doing it wrong. I say this because i started with this style grip on one of my first throw and i bombed it. impressed one of my friend who's been playing for years. Like you said, everyone is different and find your own comfortable grip. Thanks again for this tid bit.

  13. Joe Nathan says:

    im 6' 5" with big ol hands. I do this naturally because it feels like i have too much finger curl under the disc.

  14. Tom Horne says:

    73 year old addict here. I go to local parks twice a day every day. I just got back from trying this grip. Wow, an average of 20 feet farther. I did not change my current style, just the grip. At first I pulled them to the right but when focusing on the line of my throw (point the elbow) straighter and longer thanks. No if if I can only do this when surrounded by trees!

  15. Eric Dixon says:

    Just gotta figure out something. Cant seem to get up to 300'. Too tired from my job to actually do field work. Quit my job to practice more? Dammit man youre right, ill put my notice in today.
    But will for sure try this before sunset and i go practice, finally.

  16. Cory Y says:

    Nice video. I do a similar thing but with only 3 fingers (idk it just feels better for me). I'm working on the off hand motion but it messes with me mentally so bad that its hard to practice cause my throw goes to shit. Appreciate the content as always mate.

  17. Shawn R W says:

    Good for an open field rip . But you aren’t getting any accuracy with that .

  18. Same grip ive used for yrs. Helps with nose angle IMO.

  19. Nickeeefy says:

    I did this grip before, its nice when you get that good shot, feels more powerful but its harder to control the nose angle and i got lots of wrist rolls

  20. Zuya Isna says:

    Been trying all sorts of grips for the past 1.5 years now. But I also finally learned to plant my brace foot first just recently and oh boy… you really can feel those hips lock with explosion at the end. Was able to get my 9 speed fairway out 400 thanks to you! Now I'll be trying this grip out and see if I can bomb it 400+ consistently.

  21. Derek Smith says:

    Broski, I tried to tell people to try this about a decade ago and everyone thought I was stupid. Baseball doesn't palm the ball. It's in the fingers not the palm. So SO many of the best discers don't even know what their own body is doing. I'm not hating. You don't need to explain it to do it. That's why coaches exist. Somebody has to do the thinking and training of others. Great advice and great delivery. Athletic movements are nearly universal. Kids today don't know bout Bo Jackson. But Bo knows… 😂

  22. Grip is everything. I went from 100 feet to 500 feet just by switching from a 1 finger grip to a 5 finger

  23. Any suggestions for a grip with arthritic hands?

  24. Vi Jt says:

    100% agree at the very end there. The grip and grip pressure should scale with the power being generated so you get snap and accuracy.

  25. Key Electric says:

    I couldn't never get the nose angle down with a 3 or 4 finger power grip i think its just my large palms and weird palm crease shape but i started using the bonopane grip and it works great for me to get nose down and and i get some snap out of it.

    This might help me with a normal 3-4 finger power grip since it takes the disc out of my unusual palm crease shape.

  26. Mark Wilson says:

    I just had wrist surgery and lost more than half of my range of motion. I lost a good 75 feet in distance, and am struggling to get close to 300' again. Your in and out video gave me an extra 50' before the surgery. At this point, I'm kinda depressed, and I'm desperate to get more distance. I'll give this a try. Thanks!

  27. Zack M says:

    Very interesting, can't wait to try it out

  28. Tony Riedel says:

    My grip is traah I need to try this. I have a bad habit of letting go before releasing. I was always told to put it in my palm so it will be interesting to try this out

  29. Okie Tradez says:

    it worked for me but i couldnt replicate it for my midrange and i like to keep same grip for max distance even if using different disc and i can throw about 420ft sometimes around 450ft on a low ceiling flat shot in no wind.. if really nice tailwind can get a bit more out of it so im happy with my modified fan grip like Lizotte

  30. Gazelle0078 says:

    Love your videos. Now if only I could make these changes

  31. Interesting to get the disc out of the palm. Can't wait to try it out!

  32. Blind John says:

    I have a hard time getting a solid grip on my disc ever since I started baking sourdough bread for my goldendoodle. I have to use vaseline to lube up the dutch oven and I can never get it off my hands. Super slippery . What would you recommend for this circumstance? Thanks so much for your Special Talents and Advisories

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