Using Moe Normans 5* RATED DRILL Will Leave Your Golf Buddies SPEECHLESS!

Using this 5* rated drill by Moe Norman will 100% leave your golf buddies speechless. Do the MOE NORMAN Drill and Strike the Ball PURE Every Time! Moe Norman called this his master move with his vertical drop into the downswing! All golfers want to master the downswing to strike the golf ball further and longer.

Moe Norman starting downswing drill is so good! This golf drill is so simple and easy to take straight out onto the golf course and all golfers can use this no matter if they are a beginner golfer, senior golfer, amateur golfer, mid handicap golfer or low handicap golfer.

Using Moe Normans 5* RATED DRILL Will Leave Your Golf Buddies SPEECHLESS!

As a PGA golf professional I have seen so many golfers improve with this drill using both irons and driver. Goflers are hitting their driver longer, hitting their driver straighter. All golfers want to know how to hit your driver longer, how to hit your driver straighter, improve with driver, driver tips, driver drills, golf drills with driver.

This is 100% the correct downswing sequence for your golf swing. Hit more from the inside, strike the golf ball longer, strike the golf ball further, utilise the hips in the golf swing.

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49 Replies to “Using Moe Normans 5* RATED DRILL Will Leave Your Golf Buddies SPEECHLESS!”

  1. This is CRAZY!! I find it crazy how golf coaching hasn’t really changed! I love this drill from Moe Norman!

  2. Could we get someone that speaks English to explain this please or subtitles.

  3. Todd says:

    IMO this is much easier to do when you incorporate the other things Moe did such as having the left arm and shaft forming a straight line at address, keeping both heels down on backswing and at impact, and placing the driver a foot behind the ball at address.

  4. leu fro says:

    You hit it nicely but I learned nothing !!

  5. Rob's Axe says:

    I agree with your assertion that the bulk of golf instruction is about "pressuring the ground" or otherwise completely unproductive lower-body action, completely ignoring the fact that the arms of most amateurs are completely broken down at either the top or at impact. No amount of lower body work will improve any swing if the arms and hands are doing the wrong thing. Moe knew it, and the best players know it. Just another crappy golf instruction trend. Great video!

  6. Phil Bull says:

    Hi love the drill but I was always taught left shoulder goes down not up in downswing. If you drop right shoulder so much won’t you get stuck ?

  7. John Austin says:

    Alex as you are aware Moe Norman was to say the least eccentric and so are most of his drills yes they worked for Moe but so did Trevino,s work for Trevino also a point all to often missed is Moe Norman was at best 5,6” and stocky so his method is unlikely to suit all similarly Faldo,s method / technique is not for the Ben Hogans of this world it’s horses for courses , your initial Moe Norman set up would for 90% of recreational golfers have them block it miles right .

  8. Rorie Martin says:

    Hi Alex. Can you help? I can hit driver really well but hook my irons – or I hit irons well but slice my driver. What adjustments need to made to hit both? Thanks

  9. tom Jenn says:

    Moe was a savant when it came to golf. The PGA shunned Moe because of his eccentric behavior. I suppose they thought it wasn't becoming a Pro golfer. What a bunch of snobs! Moe spent most of his career on the Canadian tour mainly because the PGA would make him feel like he wasn't wanted—-and he wasn't by them. Now that Moe is dead, all you see are PGA golfers talking about how good of a golfer he was. Moe was the same person in front of the camera as he was off camera. Now that is something the PGA and LPGA needs more of! They are some of the best golfers in the world but when you get down to the heart of the matter, they are just overpaid jesters that add nothing to society. My rant is over!

  10. GhostHog says:

    I practice alot and I appreciate your tip videos! I have a r10 in my garage, hitting into a net using Awesome golf. Why am I getting a blister on my left ring finger? I am right handed with an interlock grip. Thanks! Take care

  11. Nick Reay says:

    In the drill you dropped your right hip very early (3:19). When you you smoked the shot, your right hip stayed high (3:48). You need to clear the left hip away from the ball and not dip the right hip too early. So flatten the swing but don’t do it at the expense of dropping the right hip early.

  12. C5 JP says:

    Watched this yesterday before playing. I’ve been following Graves Golf and attempting to swing like Moe for the last 15 years and went from a 20+ to a 10hdcp. This is a great swing thought/drill. Might have been my best ball striking round ever! Not sure how well it’ll work with a conventional swing.

  13. Chase Mckain says:

    Hello Alex! I got into golf about 2-3 years ago and I still struggle with chunk iron shots! Going to try this drill and hopefully helps! Would love to pick your brain about other tips I should be doing

  14. LeeseMedia says:

    Holy sheeeesus Alex.. just got the purest most powerful 5iron I've ever hit. Driver was quite straight too.
    44yrs young and hitting it as good or better than ever.
    What a great swing thought. Thank you ⛳

  15. Motion produces positions. Perfect
    Positions produce perfect positions. Perfect positions will never produce perfect motion.

  16. Excellent video Alex, would have liked to see you hit an iron like this

  17. Somehow YouTube unsubscribed me from your channel. I am back to being subscribed.

  18. Jim Kelehan says:

    Another fine video Alex! This will be a fun adventure as I improve my game! Thank you!

  19. Bill Galante says:

    Great job, Alex!

  20. I remember seeing Moe saying in an interview that he tried to feel he was brushing his stomach with his right elbow to get the vertical drop. It feels awkward when you first try it, but it works.

  21. Mario Rojas says:

    So what about John Rahm’s drill ? Now it’s this that works and not the other ?

  22. k says:

    Brilliant drill to get anywhere near the neighborhood of getting the hands into the good delivery "slot" But even that nice in to out delivery only gives you a chance to hit the ball well, a lot better than wipey out to in. But good contact is still difficult. I say make super oversized irons with a can't miss sized sweet spot, the game's fun, everybody hits approach shots nearer green high, all play speeds up, good good. So your hc drops with the cheater irons. A former 19 might be a 7hc w the super easy to hit irons, who cares, way more fun than hitting clunkers all day on your way to yet another 96. Take Scrabble, if the only accepted words were those known and used only by the 2000 highest ranked Scrabble players….. NO ONE WOULD PLAY SCRABBLE. That's what golf irons still are, a tool designed for the top players, everyone else makes them go clunk all day. More birdie putts would be more fun than going clunk clunk clunk just take my word for that.

  23. Alan Roberts says:

    So well explained Alex!! Going to give that a try , can do that at the range and while waiting to tee off. Excellent..👏

  24. Moe Norman was the Bruce Lee of golf.. He experimented with many techniques and used what worked for him and jettisoned what didn't work for him.

  25. Is it really??? about playing our best golf? I don't think so

  26. Yamatexan G says:

    As soon as I wake up tomorrow I'm gonna try this. Need to start hitting more from the inside. We'll see if this helps

  27. Love it and this makes so much sense !

  28. Hi Alex, I notice that from player cam perspective you move your head way right doing the vertical drop. Is that just while doing the drill? Can we still do the vertical drop keeping the head still?

  29. dave bryant says:

    Alex, just found your podcasts a couple of weeks ago and have already made positive changes to my swing. I’m 78 years old and was about to settle for mediocre golf. Thank you very much.

  30. What I have been doing is taking a strong left hand grip and then feel like I am trying to hit to right field on the downswing. Usually this gives me a straight shot or a slight draw. I think it mirrors what you were showing.

  31. SuperSoniQ says:

    If you took Jack Nicklaus in 1962, brought him to the 2023, gave him a modern driver and golf ball, he would be the longest player on tour. Just look at video of his swing back then. Amazing. What I'm really getting at is I don't think there is some modern version of the swing that is better than the classic swing. I think what's important is what works best for each individual. Just an opinion.

  32. Ken Brown says:

    I picked up the concept of the clubhead starting the downswing by going down a couple years ago. it does work a treat for getting rid of the slice.

  33. Mitch Hatter says:

    Hi Alex,

    Just found your UTube site and love the content.

    I was searching your site and found a video where you suggested starting the hips, torso, then arms on the downswing.

    I tried this today and liked the feel. Should I continue using that downswing or switch to this torso, arms, hips sequence?

    I’m 69 and do try to keep hip movement to a minimum in the downswing.

  34. Mike Barnard says:

    If you think Moe’s thoughts were simplistic ( careful here as he was mentally different) then look deeply into Manuel De la Torro… you cannot get more simple than swing ( with a good grip ) with both hands the clubhead over right shoulder then swing entire club unit ( forearms to clubhead) with upper arms over to left shoulder brushing the ground.
    Seriously .. he was not golf teacher of the year 1985 for nothing.
    The summary I have given you is IT..

  35. IT says:

    I just make sure my right shoulder goes down ,simple .

  36. looking forward to trying this.. Thanks!

  37. Mike Rodrick says:

    Hi Alex; this is something I've been wondering about regarding shallowing the club. How far do you allow it to drop before rotating the body & it getting too flat in the backswing? Thanks.

  38. I love when you talk about Moe.
    I played my whole life playing traditional golf
    5 years ago I started Moe’s single plain swing. I’m now 72 years old playing the best golf in my life.
    I dropped from 18-7 handicap

  39. Jeff Boily says:

    can t stop learning from your video

  40. Doing this Mo Norman Drill and hitting the ball form inside does the ball draw and stay straight.
    Thanks Glenn

  41. Something I feel I'm missing. Especially when I get a little fatigued. I tend to rush/force/muscle things.

  42. Jim Wocha says:

    Hi Alex. How about a video dealing with toe strikes? Im suffering with them currently and can't seem to cure it.

  43. Brad Mechor says:

    Much more turn in the traditional swing compared to Moe's…. such a genius of the swing!

  44. Mayers Golf says:

    Great video
    Do you have any tips or drills on leaving the club face open at impact ?

  45. Why do I hit all my irons and hybrids the same distance?

  46. James Hutt says:

    Give us more Moe Norman tips! He was a simplistic genius!!!

  47. Scott T says:

    Thx so much for all these videos. Learning so much. ❤

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