Hitting 132mph Clubhead Speed – 5YOB #6

Full day of practice, hitting 132mph etc

5 Years Or Bust

Episode 6

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39 Replies to “Hitting 132mph Clubhead Speed – 5YOB #6”

  1. Ian Scott says:

    Love these videos, more please. V interesting to see what goes on between comps and the work you need to put in. Looking forward to the new vids, the one with Gary Martin was really good 👍👍💪💣🏌‍♂️

  2. Hiring a videographer will be really good for your game by allowing you to practice more. Big rest of 2023 for you!

  3. Alvin Lam says:

    routing for ya pal!

  4. John Anthony says:

    Genuine question, (I am a fan) Are you aspiring to be a tour pro or a Youtube star?

  5. Probably clip the GoPro on the bag & press “Record” 🤣👍

  6. I thought the production with the Gaz video looked different 🔥

  7. Jon Tran says:

    When I see Rich is in a video I don't watch

  8. Love the in car camera

  9. Ive started chipping with my feet together. Its been a game changer.

  10. Martin T says:

    Don't watch the people shouting down the camera, what you are talking about is what people serious about improving want. Would love to see how you practice more, especially speed and ball striking.

  11. Nice method on that chip over the bunker 👍🏻 great idea for ensuring contact with the ball 😎

  12. kirriegolf18 says:

    I'm definitely going to try your anti duff chipping technique , if it works, great , awesome video James

  13. What whip you driving

  14. Mark Cronin says:

    Would love to see the gym stuff. Was actually going to post it and then u said it at the end of the video. Good idea 🎉

  15. JM89 says:

    Seems slightly odd to me that your working on your speed when you hit it comfortably past 99.9% of golfers. But then you'll go into a match and mention how bad your short game is on the first hole.

  16. I’ve started going to the gym to maintain and hopefully increase mobility and speed. At 61, if I don’t then I’ll lose muscle. I’d love to see what you do as a gym routine.

  17. I was so impressed and inspired by how Brian Harman played on Sunday at the Open. I'd study that extremely closely if I was in your shoes James.. he held it together mentally so well that he gave no-one else even a millimetre of a chance. He also gave some fantastic interviews back in the states about how he did it. Be the UK's Brian Harman ! Look forward to this new content !

  18. Peter Vine says:

    What happened to the clutch tour?

  19. Tommy says:

    Nice AP James! Very happy for you:P

  20. Jon says:

    Going reverse hands wedges has been a game changer for me, seems to really have taken the fat shot away

  21. Liam Riddy says:

    Any tips for having the confidence to really go at driver on the course like you would in training?

  22. Stephen H says:

    Does this Harry have a red jumper that's too small for him and black Galvin greens up around his ankles ??

  23. B8kedBean says:

    I know it's just joking but stop putting down your short game in matches and stuff. It only makes things worse.

  24. Leon Sol says:

    Thanks for your video! Two things – first: it sounds nice that you will practice more – I am practicing a lot and improving (slowly but surely – be patient). second: (wedges – low point) two thoughts has helped me a lot – the body moves the club up and the right hand (short hinge on top and hold) is leading the back swing. If this helps (wonderful) if not….so what 🙃

  25. Lewis_nes87 says:

    “Gimme back my son”
    That was a howlerrrr 😆😆
    Loved that clip

    And as for the day in the life / fly on the wall vlogs
    I agree not enough golfers do it 👌

  26. Mark Levy says:

    Is that an AP on the wrist ??

  27. Terry Lalley says:

    might i suggest not holding your breath on the big efforts?

  28. Adam Adamski says:

    shouldn t you be doin a month of shortgame practice ! 🙂 as your so well versed at it! and thx a lot for your videos!!

  29. is that AP real gorilla?

  30. jassonsw says:

    All sounds great but what about some more extremely cagey, snooker safety battles with Flower?

  31. G BC says:

    I felt injured just watching that 🤪holy moly if I swung that hard I’d be in hospital 😉👍🇬🇧..continuity error..aren’t you ‘up north’ at the mo doing the rounds James?

  32. matlee says:

    I've been playing with the left foot forward set up since the start of the year. Started with the wedges and now all through the bag. Ball striking has been completely transformed.

  33. What did you have your camera mounted on in the car that it was panning around?

  34. Jake Bassett says:

    Cmon Harry! This is exactly what our man needs. Excited for this 💪🏾

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