I bought a FAKE DRIVER so you don't have to… SHOCKING!?

Today we take a look at a fake counterfeit Taylormade sim driver and test it against a genuine Taylormade sim driver… the results were shocking.

Click the link below to check out any of my golf clubs on ebay.

https://rover.ebay.com/rover/1/710-53481-19255-0/1?mpre=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.ebay.co.uk%2Fusr%2Fsasgolf-66%3F_trksid%3Dp2047675.l2559&campid=5338759516&toolid=10001&customid=General Youtube

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25 Replies to “I bought a FAKE DRIVER so you don't have to… SHOCKING!?”

  1. Cryptonomics says:

    Bro u need to have some pauses in your vids…. makes yousound lik eu drunk 12 cups of caffeine lol

  2. encinobalboa says:

    Glad you switched heads and shafts. Rick did not which did not reveal much.

  3. Dean Elliott says:

    Think I have just bought a fake TaylorMade Stealth Plus drive just wait for it to be delivered how can I tell if it is a fake. Help me please I have not been playing long and don't know any1 with a real 1

  4. larsulrik1 says:

    I think you need to deep dive into that counterfeit shaft performance. No fake head/shaft should ever outperform its genuine counterpart so how could that fake shaft/real head combo do that?? 😂

  5. usa4x4trucks says:

    The “real” SIM hybrid clubs use a sticker on the top instead of actual carbon fiber — big L for Taylormade.

  6. BaileyMx says:

    Simon, would you say the fake driver is better or worse than a sports direct or Kirkland special though? You must've got a half decent one compared to others tests as most of the fake heads came flying off after a few hits on others fakes reviews.

  7. Charles Chen says:

    its not a blind test, who knows.

  8. ya'll still got a fake shaft

  9. M S says:

    what planet are the people on who manufacture these. All that effort to copy they might aswell create their own brand club.

  10. ohbollox2it says:

    This is why I don’t order from the internet – if I were to purchase second hand club I’d use golf bidder so you know they’re going to be correct

  11. Follow Media says:

    results supported by the guys at TXG who mixed and matched low/high spin shafts to low/high spin heads. if the head is designed for a particular launch/spin (e.g low launch low spin), no shaft can counter it in a significant way even the highest kicking, high spin shafts. TLDR…it's the head matters much more than the shaft. you need to get fitted for the head and then find the correct shaft that helps you find that ideal launch condition most of the time. even a misfitted shaft can deliver the head correctly some of the time, but a badly fitted head will never deliver the correct launch for you. when it comes to fake heads…i agree that it's not worth the time to take the head cover of.

    what i would like to see is a ping g425 real vs fake review. the ones on aliexpress are very realistic at first glance.

  12. Chucky L says:

    You speak way too fast

  13. Most/all the time… price is the telltale sign. I almost bought a “new” set of Titleist 718mb for $250 lol

  14. What’s interesting is how well the “fake” shaft worked with the genuine head.

  15. shaips says:

    So you’re recording everything on your phone? I’m starting a channel as well w my friends, and have a brand new iPhone but didn’t know if the quality would be good enough for YT

  16. Favourite trick shot yet

  17. Ian Plummer says:

    You really should do a compilation of your trick shots. You would get some mega view counts.

  18. IlliniDog01 says:

    If you have a tight budget and absolutely must have a brand new driver, go for the PXG 0211. They are regularly on sale for under $200 and you can customize the shaft and grip to your liking. I got one in 9 degree with the R Mitsubishi Diamana S+ and Oversize Winn Dri-Tac Grip and I absolutely love it. It is hard not to hit the fairway and I regularly hit drives that just seem to go forever. I can't recommend it highly enough.

  19. Chris Smith says:

    If you’re going to buy form eBay or market place always best to stay local and ask if you can collect from the sellers home address. If they refuse then the alarm bells should ring.

  20. hubomba says:

    My dad got me what ended up being a fake R9 when I was in highschool. I always wondered why I hit my 3-wood just as far. When I got back into the game 10 years later during COVID, trackman said it was spinning at 4500. I added 40 yards to my drive with a new driver. Huge difference.

  21. KW Tay says:

    For beginners, whatever driver, it doesn't really make much of the difference anyway. Not worth paying for expensive clubs for beginners.

  22. Had a friend who bought a fake. We told him it was a fake. He teed off in the medal with it and got DQ'd. You can't play a fake because it hasn't been tested by the R&A

  23. Wes Sims says:

    Maybe consider talking a little bit slower throughout this video is some parts sound like you’re trying to speed read and it is very hard to understand you because you’re speaking a mile a minute. After some points it makes you want to turn the video off and go watch something else it is just too hard to understand. I’m sure I’m not the only one that hears this. But the content and the point of the video is good thank you for the information.

  24. James Fraley says:

    It's often hard to tell online as these scammers use the real clubs for their photos.

  25. D Pezza says:

    Had my first taste of a scammer today on marketplace. Thanks to your channel and videos like this Simon I thankfully didn't end up parting with any cash thankfully!

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