Quick Fix: Pull, Hook & Pull Hook.

Fix your swing with my new series. This week the Quick Fix is Pull, Hook & Pull Hook.

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My Gear:
Camera: Canon EOS R: https://amzn.to/2KG53F0
Trackman radar: https://trackmangolf.com/
My Irons: Callaway Apex Pro: https://amzn.to/2MCKgV6
My Fairway Metal: Callaway Epic Flash 3 Wood: https://amzn.to/2WBSYYn
My Hybrid: http://amzn.to/2F9AlBP
My Driver: Callaway Epic Flash 9°: https://amzn.to/2K89EjA
My Putter: Toulon Madison: https://amzn.to/2MBHVKg
Second Camera: Canon 200D: https://amzn.to/2MMOidA
Third Camera: GoPro Hero 6: https://amzn.to/2F1MVl2
Medicine Ball: http://amzn.to/2GKcoxQ
Kjus Polo: http://amzn.to/2EQasaJ


48 Replies to “Quick Fix: Pull, Hook & Pull Hook.”

  1. Great Video for Iron. Sorry for my Question. But is that Postion at Video 5:05 (Forward Press with the Hands) the Same Solution with the DRIVER when i have the same pull Problem?

  2. U3277 says:

    Simple, clear instruction. Common sense approach to the golf swing.

  3. Jan Claussen says:

    Hi Jonathan, bin Altgolfer 50 Jahr Golf und Pulle und Pull Hook Snap Hook ect, versuche diese Hüftdrehung, nur ich verliere an Länge, Länge, Länge komme dann immer wieder auf alte Armtechnik Pullbewegung zurück um mehr Länge zu erreichen, muss das wohl mit ins Grab nehmen oder ?

  4. Dave Winter says:

    This is absolutely me without a doubt left-handed Hook right goddamn you ruined my scorecard🤯 I am immediately going to start this trail and see what happens in the near future without a doubt will give you feedback 👍🏼 thank you 🙏

  5. Jan Petersen says:

    Great video. Been struggling lately. Thx

  6. Helped me in two swings. THANK YOU 🎉

  7. I’ve saw that I think this only happens with a draw for me. Idk what it is anymore I was hitting draws perfect and fades were a slice now I’m hitting fades perfect and hooking the draw

  8. I get this trying to hit a draw so I stick with the fade

  9. Grant Hanson says:

    What about adding lead tape to driver head to decrease head speed? I recently shortened my shaft and am having pull hook issues

  10. Mr. 300X says:

    I started trying to fix the slice and when I did, I got the hook and pull. No matter what I do, it's either a slice or a hook. I'm very close to calling it quits because I lose a dozen golf balls or more a round because of this

  11. Chris Swales says:

    I have gone from a reasonably straight tee shot (Driver) to a pull shot with a fade or slice . Direction off the tee, the ball goes left and then swings back to the right. I know i manipulate the club face to affect the ultimate landing place of the ball. What might i be doing wrong.

  12. Peter uwatch says:

    Thank you Jonathan. I will try this today.

  13. TONY STOPAR says:

    I wish I would have seen this long ago!
    My problems to a T!

  14. Kelly Miller says:

    Excellent and exactly what I need to work on. Great video JT!

  15. Always deliver the best knowledge and excercises. Big thanks

  16. Steve Miller says:

    What is the previous video referred to here?

  17. Graham Reid says:

    This is as good an explanation as there is on the Web to allow you to put an end to smothering shots left !!!

  18. Scott Choi says:

    Best explanation!

  19. Allan Benoit says:

    I needed this right now. I just started pulling my driver recently and it's exactly why you explained. Not enough hip rotation and staying way too back because of being worried about over the top.

  20. John T says:

    Awesome. I thought I had inside out path that I tried changing but still hooking . I believe it was never the path but rather the stall.

  21. ivan hughes says:

    Thank you. Left is killing me lol

  22. I want this guy to be my coach please I struggled with a hook pull for years

  23. Brandon D says:

    Somewhat old video, but the instruction still rings true, really good stuff!

  24. neilbv11 says:

    Great vid great swing

  25. What the heck r u talking about

  26. Excellent, as ever. We need to have an extreme awareness of our motion to ingrain a “full turn instruction” when we are actually sending balls to the left. In my case, more and more difficult as the round goes on and the tiredness grows. I guess the barstool drill, repeated one million times, will help. Thanks Jonathan

  27. Vlas Gilbers says:

    I obtained these golf swing tricks, read it in 1 night, and the next day at the driving range put it into practice. I was astonished when I quickly hit my irons with right divots with strong impact. I was hitting approximately 10-15 yards farther with my irons than I was used to. You can research this guide on Google. It calls Logan Ballοyshot
    every good wish

  28. Tom Brennan says:

    Great video thanks Jonathan. Hooking and hitting the ball off the toe killing my golf atm. Also, my divots/scratches are going right. Any thoughts?

  29. Great, that was my mistake that you pointed – I though that I’m turning my hips too much when in real I wasn’t turning them enough. Thanks!

  30. Such a clear holistic explanation! I've been scoring well but getting a little stuck. Today I would have been the usual mid to high single figures but I flip hooked one tee shot out of bounds and later shanked one out of bounds and the score was gone. This video will ensure that doesn't happen again. Thank you.Great explanation!

  31. Look forward to trying,…thanks!!. I think I've been concentrating on turning my shoulders,…and probably leaving the hips behind, creating some nasty pull hooks.

  32. John J says:

    Can’t wait to try this fix my pull and eventually google how to fix a push

  33. I’ve been watching videos for weeks now. This was the best one yet.

  34. Unfortunately you describe my struggle perfectly! : (

  35. oldsquid55 says:

    I really like the reasoning here. Haven’t had a chance to work on it though. Hope you don’t mind, but just to help you avoid hate mail from the overly nerdy, engineer types: Like many, MANY people, you’re using the word “inertia”, when you really mean “momentum”. Inertia in a PROPERTY that all mass has (when its still it wants to stay still, when its moving, it wants to keep moving, until it gets pushed or runs into something, respectively). The greater the mass, the greater the inertia – think, brick vs feather. Momentum is a FORCE. Specifically, the force that’s created when the mass is in motion. The greater the mass, the greater the potential momentum. The momentum of the club head overcomes the stationary inertia of the golf ball, sending it on its merry way. In my case, generally far left of my intended target.

  36. Trevor says:

    Great video, thanks a lot! Just don't watch it on mute with cc on. It get's quite awkward around 4:30 lol

  37. Kevin S says:

    This is the correct way to fix a pull hook. Great video.

  38. Ssquire11 says:

    This was by the far the best tip on fixing the hook out of the 5 other instructors I watched. Thanks!

  39. eddie brown says:

    The golf swing takes about a second…..I can't translate 6 mins of instruction into a second. This is why PGA instructors will always have a job giving lessons. Other than the set-up and grip, you can't fix a swing fault.

  40. m4wilson says:

    I hear you on this. I always think of rotating my left hip around and back as fast as I can. I hit good wedges when I do this. But my long irons tend to dig when I do that. Am I not holding posture? My hands never look like they are way ahead at impact. What can I do to fix this?

  41. When Mullet says:

    Any drill to keep from turning my shoulders and trunk with my hips?

  42. Dave says:

    What if, no matter how I move my path, my clubface is always closed and the ball pulls, draws, and hooks? And my grip is on the neutral side. Amy suggestions?

  43. So rotating the hips is absolutely essential, not subjective. There’s so much information out there that is subjective. I’m trying to find the absolute fundamentals.

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