Joe seems to think that streamyard is some exclusive program only available to hacks, not that literally anyone can have a stream that looks like complete shit.
Mike in drag will not be funny. The only thing funny about it w the Mike and Lenny bit was going to be Lenny’s reaction. It failed fast when Lenny hung up. Just talk to each other. You 3 play off of each other very well. You HAVE to give your audience a disclaimer and backstory when referring to 14 other outside feuds and podcasts you are involved with.
Ray devito has bodies buried somewhere.
Wait, Barry isn't Bob's "Chipperson" character, I thought Barry was Bob with glasses
Bob you ❤ cigarettes 😅
I know Bob had to let Shuli use his butter straw while he was at his house
You guys are definitely finding your stride…. The luggage comment about Barry from shuli. Had me laughing out loud 😂😂😂
Throat, Ears, and Nose is my favorite to listen too.
Barry Ribs should have a comedy special called "Ribbed For Her Pleasure"
My screen or Bob's hair green again??
I’m pretty sure Ray’s going to get mugged soon. Riding his bike wasted dressed like one of the bad news bears late at night.
Joe seems to think that streamyard is some exclusive program only available to hacks, not that literally anyone can have a stream that looks like complete shit.
Mike in drag will not be funny. The only thing funny about it w the Mike and Lenny bit was going to be Lenny’s reaction. It failed fast when Lenny hung up. Just talk to each other. You 3 play off of each other very well. You HAVE to give your audience a disclaimer and backstory when referring to 14 other outside feuds and podcasts you are involved with.
Easy Joe, these are incredible sensitive times. Your contributions lately Joe have been very unnecessary and not needed.
Joe the all mighty looking down his nose. Great guy. I wish him well.
In this episode we learned that bob keeps a bottle of lotion next to his computer
Why the 5 minute interlude? It's dumb
Accused of being an unfunny dewsh, Morse goes straight to "He's a child molester!"
Way to prove Blinky Jedi right, you zilch.
isnt it time in this day and age to get a cardiff mask made instead of abusing good ole spidey?