Timing will give you distance… Golftip with Marcus Edblad

9 Replies to “Timing will give you distance… Golftip with Marcus Edblad”

  1. Teddy Zamba says:

    Marcus…outstanding, there is such a perfect flow with your swing thoughts, and integrating them into a helter skelter swing, it just works. I am getting this timing down, and it is my only swing thought; pretty much. The driver swing is a bit of a different animal, but your swing; which emulates a slap shot has really simplified things for me. When your driver reaches horizontal and you begin the move down, there seems to be a slow acceleration and then, the push down. I am just curious what position or if you are conscious of the position of the butt end of the club before your trail arm straightens in the down stroke, or is it helpful to be aware of that in shallowing the club..? I realize this can be something that would make you late in contact with the ball, and a wild slice. So, would the best process of dialing in the timing with the driver; just to slow the swing down to nothing until you are making flush, square contact through the ball….? I am smoking my drive, but consistency is lacking, you get jacked up and you lose shoulder and face angle….I guess I am just going through the learning curve….thanks for getting me to find my hands….this game is getting a lot easier.

  2. Golfing Fan says:

    I have this dialed in for the driver….awesome results….but continue to do terrible with my irons. Timing the trail hand seems harder to time for the irons. theres alot more time with the driver.

  3. Marcus je viens de découvrir tes vidéos, je joue gaucher et je suis ravi d'écouter tes leçons. Tu parles d'une voix calme et ton ton est rassurant.J'adore ton explosion dans la balle, j'ai essayé quelque uns de tes trucs et ça me sert bien, je t'en remercie.Le HAMMER va toujours rester dans ma mémoire c'est ma clé pour décoller l'élan.Du Québec au Canada , thank you " hockey player".

  4. Paul Welsh says:

    I’m recovering from a hernia . BUT I’m still slowly practicing my swing after watching lots of your videos. Description. I now feel more grounded with the ball a little bit back in my stance than before. My lead hand is super quick thanks to you. My balance at impact feels like I’m leaning behind the ball as if throwing under arm. My realise is balanced . I feel like I’m pushing the club to the left but turning my hips and upper half rotating fully . Man I’m yet to get to the range but wow it feels amazing . You really are a legend bud 👊

  5. You are the best golf coach/teacher i have seen! And trust me, i have watched a lot of golf instruction videos! 😄 thank you. Your tips are easy to understand and i have benefitted from a few of them already!!!

  6. Thanks Marcus. When does the trail hand pass the lead hand. Before after or during impact?

  7. peter mies says:

    Hi Marcus…..you mentioned that with the driver the clubhead is released first but the hands are released first with irons……can you explain that. Thanks so much

  8. Thanks for the excellent instructions on video. It’s absolutely wonderful when you do get the inside out swing and release as you instruct Marcus.

  9. Sim 250 says:

    This is great Marcus, I seem to constantly fight a slice and sometimes catching the ground with the driver . I've watched a couple of your videos now , you have a different approach which makes a lot of sense for my issues. Thanks.

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