Why do I pause? and more like 320 lol #golf #shorts

35 Replies to “Why do I pause? and more like 320 lol #golf #shorts”

  1. Lu Geng says:

    Tee using weasel

  2. Matt Walsh says:

    I actually started slowing my swing down and putting a pause in at the end of my backswing, and it really helped me load my way and then fire threw the ball. It was a complete game changer for me.

  3. KM Ko says:

    i think youre a great player, fun to watch, but i like it when you are a more humble player. humility looks more charming

  4. joe Lopez says:

    Bro has a cobra Aerojet

  5. You're a good golfer, nice swing. 350.. dude it honestly looked more like 3 hundo.

  6. MF says:

    This dude said 350 bombs lol that’s awesome

  7. Truly gives “Shooter McGavin” vibes

  8. Baker Vinci says:

    You do it, because you know where the club face is

  9. DrDesign says:

    Such a class player. Like maybe the 900th best in USA. So cool.

  10. Quicksilver says:

    Why is your back swing so short?

  11. ANDRE KALIVA says:

    Just adding…

    Its gonna be a perfect badass if you make the PGA or LIV or whatever and at least had 5 cups in da haus

  12. G P says:

    You should try to make the Tour.

  13. ajneufeld762 says:

    Got it on take 52

  14. batcrazy says:

    Bs your swing is too short

  15. GK says:

    350 bombs every time 👀 … stay humble lmao

  16. Young Man … U R Right on Both !! What a Shot !!

  17. Bro I’m playing old hickory on Sunday and i want to do the pause driver on every hole now lmao

  18. Ok when is the stroke play match against the DOD ? Inquiring minds wanta know.

  19. HappyPlaceHD says:

    That’s not 350😂

  20. Ark Alec says:

    It's funny if you think about physics wise the back swing doesn't help the forward swing so why rush it can't wait to try it.

  21. swingshift says:

    How many times did you film this until you hit one on the fairway?

  22. Stop trying to be DOD king

  23. gVwOwVg says:

    a pull draw with short shorts isn’t a great look. plus you play cobra. smh.

  24. Tom Price says:

    Some people AREN'T asking you why you're using a tee. As you're supposed to use a tee.:)

  25. It doesn’t look cool though 👎

  26. Cool Me says:

    Humble dude😅😅😅

  27. M4RS Gaming says:

    Is that a 6x or 7x in that ventus

  28. kvothe says:

    350!! Must count in ft where your from 😂

  29. GG recommend this

  30. B says:

    “I do it because iritscol”
    rewatches 5 times to understand what he said

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