World's Greatest GOLF Stretch | BIG BACKSWING | JOETHERAPY

Do you play golf? Struggle to get the backswing like the Pro’s? Give this Stretch I came up with a try and become flexible and mobile in the spots you need for golf!

Make Sure To Give These A Try Too!
»5 Awesome Warmup Stretches –

For more routines like this one check out my website!



33 Replies to “World's Greatest GOLF Stretch | BIG BACKSWING | JOETHERAPY”

  1. Barking_Mad says:

    I can barely sit upright when sat this way (over balance) , it's very tight in my right hip, but if I reverse the posture I find it much easier, but that's not the exercise 😁 should I just keep repeating the posture until I get better at it?

  2. J. D. says:

    Is it beneficial to stretch the same way in the other direction as a right handed golfer?

  3. Thanks Joe this is amazing. How often should I perform? Once a week?

  4. Adil Khan says:

    Thank you for this! Really helps

  5. MV Rosie says:

    This stretch is amazing, got me to hit a 78. The back 9 didnt go as well though.

  6. John Spragg says:

    Hi Joe thank you very much for posting this video…at this point I can not sit in the 90/90 position..could you please give me some exercises to free me up..I am stretching every day with a pole for rotation and flexibility but obviously need to free up my lower back mid back and waist area ..any help would be fantastic .kind regards. Spraggo

  7. That is exactly what I was looking for. I will try this stretch for sure! Thank you! 😃

  8. Hi Joe, I am experiencing lower back and right hip pain after my golf rounds. I thinks this video can help, agree? Any other recommendations?

  9. rmljr52 says:

    Will build this into my workout routine. I thought I had a good turn until I looked at my swing in the mirror. i just can't stop falling over.

  10. Stretch felt great and can not wait to add it to my normal stretching routine before my golf games. Hoping this takes my golf game to a new level.

  11. Ryan Manning says:

    So Crazy I can do the 90/90 split easy on one side but I can't even get my upper body vertical when I switch my legs around to the left crazy. Joe honestly why is that???

  12. Ray Arlan says:

    Great information Joe. Former Golf Coach at 75 and still a single digit. Stretch everyday and always looking for
    new methods.

  13. Keith Keith says:

    I keep falling over. I can do it with my right leg at a 90 degree angle but can’t do the other leg at all. Thoughts??

  14. Thanks Joe, these stretches certainly are very useful. They are helping my 50 yr old body!

  15. Good stretch!!! Like that it DOESNT isolate one body part. Its n compound movement just like the golf swing. Before i found your video, i was WONDERING what to stretch and how to stretch it to get more shoulder turn. NOW I KNOW! thanks.

  16. What is restricting ability to bend right knee and hip back without holding myself upright?

  17. Tone Bassin says:

    This is awesome. I have been struggling with my backswing. I am 47 yrs old but pretty good shape. Only been playing for 1.5 yr. But I am stiff as a board 😆😆And this is what I have been lookong for .Thank you

  18. Tone Abet says:

    great vid. im 33 with lower back tightness after playing golf. can do these stretches quite easily, but do feel a nice stretch as well. going to do them for a while and see how i go. thanks

  19. EJ Kite says:

    Great stretch. Do you suggest we do the opposite to improve lead hip rotation in the thru swing

  20. What is the best way or stretch, for more muscular golfers to keep their lead arm straight. I either find my delts causing my arm to slight bend or muscle tightness in the arm itself

  21. Roz Marcy says:

    I'm a golfer. I currently am struggling with the 90/90 stretch. Your stretch makes a lot of sense.

  22. Kyle Greear says:

    I do this stretch almost everyday now. Golfing 5-7 days a week as well. Helps with that upper body shoulder movements.

  23. Thanks. Great Stretch to get extra rotation in the backswing!!

  24. I've just got into golf and have a athletic, muscular build. Struggling to even get into the base 90/90 but I'm determined to achieve this

  25. Linda massa says:

    That had a nice twist in that stretch – awesome !!!

  26. Bob Geib says:

    bravo. how about wrist mobility? medial lateral deviation work…

  27. Hi Joe I am 60 years old, just to confirm this is for a right handed golfer? your left leg is in front right leg behind.
    Anyway I injured my back last week and I am trying this stretch I could not even sit straight up ! Now trying it with right leg in front and left behind was much easier although I had to keep tight hand on ground. Right now I am trying other stretches to also increase my back flexibility. Yoga camel, knee to chest , knees side to side. Thanks for the video something to work on!

  28. John Clare says:

    I just completed reading these golf swing secrets , Jοmtοnο Naha (Go ogle it) last week before going out and putting the exercises to the assessment. Never imagined that after actively playing for Thirty years, my swinging skill could still be enhanced. Aside from that, the practice exercises also helped optimize some tiny but significant positions that I once thought did not matter.

  29. Flexibility is so important and in ONE stretch, it showed me where my limitations were. Thanks Joe.

  30. Sheryle Sage says:

    So perfect. I am creating a golf fit class yoga-based and this may be the best piece of research I have come across. Going to subscribe. Thank you for the mentoring!

  31. Paul Mullin says:

    how long for each stretch and how many

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