Good Good X Rick Shiels

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39 Replies to “Good Good X Rick Shiels”

  1. Dr.Pepper taste like liquid Love hearts candy

  2. Dr. Pepper is carbonated prune juice

  3. Does Rick Shiel’s golf seem to becoming increasingly erratic and inconsistent? We know that it’s hardly surprising when you’ve got a full on, full time job, and no time anymore for practice, but his job IS golf, and I can’t help but think that his snatched, fast wrist cock on the backswing is going to generate plenty of hooks and poor compression when it comes back. His swing reminds me of mine when I’m trying to play a short, high pitch or a 20 yard bunker shot over a steep lip.

  4. Elijah Nunez says:

    Love the John 3:16 on Matt’s hat!

  5. Hyzer RL says:

    Colin = Morgan Freeman

  6. Coochiemon says:

    Scharff is a clown, how are you chirping Steve after dropping a triple on the first hole 🤢 nice hole in one on a par 4 bozo

  7. Bobby Suarez says:

    great collab. man bubs chipping is getting way better

  8. Dr. Pepper is spicy cherry

  9. Brad not using the good good balls???

  10. Dr. Pepper decades ago used to have Plum Juice in it.

  11. SJ NYC says:

    Dr.Pepper tastes like the way a soda drink fountain smells, Thats what the company has said they designed it to taste like lol

  12. I just noticed I have the same grips as Matt LOL

  13. Diaperkid10 says:

    rick is a sell out lol bro cant even hit a fairway or green he sprayed it all day

  14. jconine1989 says:

    Just play your hole, good luck.

    Best advice for anyone.

  15. Quamil Logan says:

    Do any of the good good guys teach online lessons? Im trying to have a swing like matt scharff!

  16. Gary CO says:

    Normally I like Bubbie, but I can't root for anyone with a mustache, I just can't. Sorry Bubbie!

  17. Chelsea Mann says:

    It would be real cool if Collin picked a guy on round 1 and if he is right he gets in

  18. Dr Pepper tastes like fizzy marzipan. Irn Bru tastes like fizzy copper.

  19. Swordy says:

    Kwon with Bru!

  20. Josef Hill says:

    Dr. Pepper is a raisin (dried grape) / Fruity flavour

  21. Nobody says:

    I tell my wife the same thing.

  22. Irn Bru is awesome, Scotland is one of the only countries in the world where Coca-Cola is not the most purchased soft drink.

  23. Dr pepper tastes like marzipan

  24. Ken Norris says:

    I really enjoy these collaborations with @RickShielsPGA the GG boys and Rick make for a good YouTube match. Lots of fun to watch.

  25. Sam Woods says:

    Dr pepper taste like a better version of coke haha with a hint if cherry

  26. Lou Mark says:

    Rick Shields sucks

  27. Dr. Pepper is barbecue water and everyone knows it.

  28. I once topped my drive, hit 3 wood and was chipping from 50 yards, and I hit it perfectly, right at the flag, was going to land where I wanted it to… And it hit the green, and bounced like 45° left and rolled off the green

  29. ActuallyChar says:

    Ricks driver back swings just seems so rushed why I think he struggles to hit it so much

  30. I think everyone should pick anonymously, the suspense it creates is insane

  31. The flavor of Dr Pepper is spicy cherry

  32. VitaminD says:

    Matt is pathetic. Gets paid to play golf and his game is still trash. If only his game was as active as his mouth.

  33. STANDARD H says:

    I want that Black/Grey striped polo – is that coming soon?

  34. Tyler Vetter says:

    I think a lightning knockout of wheel not ideal would be 🔥🔥🔥

  35. Matt C says:

    Matt running to find Rick's ball 🤣😭

  36. Cody Crocker says:

    Dr Pepper tastes like 23 flavors!!! But it’s supposed to be like a spicy cherry soda!

  37. Morgan Dixon says:

    Dr pepper has a dandelion and burdock taste with a hint of cherry maybe 🤔. (Also dandelion and burdock is nasty) but i do love some Dr P

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